The Ultimate Spill-Proof Urinal Bag for Your Wildest Adventures

We’ve all been there before, eager to embark on a long hike or road trip, only to realize that Mother Nature has got the best of us once again. You check your pockets, your bags, and your surroundings frantically, searching for a nearby restroom only to come up empty-handed. Fear not, dear adventurers, for we have found the ultimate solution for your bathroom woes. Say hello to your new travel companion, the spill-proof urinal bag! But not just any urinal bag, we have scoured the market to bring you the best of the best. Ready to never hold it in again? Keep reading to find out more!

First things first, let’s talk durability. Our spill-proof urinal bag is made of high-quality materials that ensure it can withstand whatever your adventures may throw at it. From hikes up rocky terrain to bumpy car rides, this bag can handle it all. And don’t worry, you won’t have any leaks or spills thanks to its airtight seal.

Secondly, size matters, and our urinal bag is perfect for any body type. With a large capacity that can hold up to 750 ml, you can rest assured that you’ll have plenty of space to go when nature calls.

Next, let’s delve into the design details. The wide opening of the bag ensures you won’t miss and spillage is kept to a minimum. Say goodbye to trying to aim at tiny holes or struggling to maneuver in tight spaces. We’ve got your back.

But wait, there’s more! The lightweight and compact design of our spill-proof urinal bag makes it perfect for any travel situation. Whether you’re hiking through the Rockies or on a cross-country road trip, you can pack this essential item with ease. Plus, the discreet design ensures your privacy while in use.


In conclusion, we understand that bathroom breaks can be difficult when there’s no restroom available. But thanks to the spill-proof urinal bag, you don’t have to hold it in anymore. With its ergonomic design, durable material, and airtight seal, this bag is ideal for any and all adventures. Go ahead and enjoy your travels without worrying about bathroom breaks!

Choose the Best Male Urination Collection System for Your Recovery

There are so many things in life that get in the way of complete mobility. Some men find themselves bed ridden while recovering from an injury that limits their ability to move around. Others might find themselves facing a serious illness and needing lots of bed rest. If you have found yourself needing to spend more time resting and are having a hard time getting around your house, it means spending some time thinking through the logistics of staying comfortable and clean while you recover. First, it’s important to stay in touch with your loved ones and to stay occupied, whether that’s reading books, watching movies or any other hobbies you can do while you are in bed. Obviously it’s going to be helpful to have assistance around, bringing you food as you need it. It will be important to move as much as you are able to ensure that you can keep up your muscle tone and avoid nuisances like bed sores. Having shower accessories around that make it possible bathe in comfort and safety are also going to help you to stay clean and continue your normal hygiene routines. And last but not least, you need a clean and easy system designed to make male urination easy, no matter where you are.

Limited mobility means that you need to plan out your life to ensure that you have everything you need, right when you need it. A system designed for male urination is going to ensure that you can relieve yourself whenever and wherever you are at the time without having to worry about making it to the bathroom in a rush. When shopping for the best system for your home while you recover, it’s a good idea to look for one that is going to work in any position you are in, whether you are laying down in bed or sitting up. The system should guarantee limited or no dripping so that you can rely on comfort and cleanliness wherever you are.

No matter what your mobility is, a great urination system is going to ensure you don’t have to have a permanent catheter. That’s going to reduce your overall discomfort while you recover as well as reduce your risk of infection. Take charge of your recovery by planning out important logistics that are going to keep you neat, clean and happy until you’re back on your feet!

Alternative to keep a continent male out of incontinent briefs



There are many reasons that caregivers might place a continent male in a diaper.  Usually, it is because they can not use a male urinal without spilling it.

When we put a diaper on a man or boy, it can lead to depression, decreased self esteem, and decreased participation in their care and activities of daily living, just to name a few.  It is embarrassing and humiliating whether young or old and in older men progressively leads to lack of interest in their hygiene and appearance.

A diaper should be used only for men who are incontinent (unable to control their urine flow), not for convenience or hygiene.  Diapers cause diaper rashes, and can lead to ulcers or sores as a result of the constant moisture exposed to the skin.  They require that a caregiver thoroughly clean the entire area covered by the diaper in order to remove any urine from the skin to prevent rashes, sores, and odors.  This is very time consuming and labor intensive.

If you are at the end of your rope and need an alternative to a urinal, try a MUDS or Male Urinary Drainage System before you place your loved one in a diaper.  It is a spill proof urinal that has been designed for men with handicaps or difficulty using a urinal.

Male urinal that promotes safe activity

Male urination problems can be embarrassing and cause decreased activity and participation in living.   If you are taking a diuretic or “water pill” , you don’t have to avoid traveling or skip your medication because you will be in the car for an extended period.

There are not always restrooms available and sometimes, by the time you get to one, you are in dire straights.  Or, you get stuck in traffic and can’t get to a restroom.  A bottle should be the last resort.  And who wants to wear a diaper or male condom catheter.

Try taking a MUDS (Male Urinary Drainage System) along.  It is convenient to utilize in the car and can be emptied at your convenience.

Learn more about the MUDS at

Male urination problems help

Male urination problems can be embarrassing and cause decreased activity and participation in living.   If you are taking a diuretic or “water pill” , you don’t have to avoid traveling or skip your medication because you will be in the car for an extended period.

There are not always restrooms available and sometimes, by the time you get to one, you are in dire straights.  Or, you get stuck in traffic and can’t get to a restroom.  A bottle should be the last resort.  And who wants to wear a diaper or  condom catheter.

Try taking a MUDS (Male Urinary Drainage System) along.  It is convenient to utilize in the car and can be emptied at your convenience

Learn more about the MUDS at

Create independence for geriatric / bedbound males

mudsPromoting independence in physically challenged men is probably one of the most beneficial things we can do to promote self esteem.

Independence with urination is at the top of the list.  Urinating is an act that we all perform multiple times daily, and have been doing it independently since we were small children.  When a man is no longer able to urinate independently, spills the urinal frequently, or just simply cannot use a urinal due to positioning or physical limitatlons they are frequently placed in diapers.  Their last shred of independence and dignity taken away.

The MUDS is a great alternative for a continent male to help keep them out of diapers, keep urine from being spilled, helping to maintain their dignity and self esteem.

Try a MUDS today and promote self esteem and independence with this innovative spill proof urinal

Male spill proof urinal

How does the Male Urinary Drainage System, or MUDS,  prevent spills?

The MUDS has multiple spill preventative features.  One, is that the urine doesn’t stay in the urine receiving unit, it drains into a container which holds up to 2500ml of urine.  The large corrugated tubing prevents kinks and allows the urine to drain almost immediately into the container.  You can’t spill urine that is not stored in the receptacle that receives the urine.

If you are looking for a spill proof male urinal, try a MUDS!  You are in control!

in control.  Visit us at to learn more

The ultimate spill proof male urinal

What makes the MUDS a spill proof urinal men?

The shape and slope of the MUDS unit is designed to assist in appropriate angle during use to promote drainage of urine.  The urine does not stay in the main unit, but drains into a container which will hold up to 2500ml of urine.

The back-flow system, along with the fact that the urine doesn’t stay in the receiving unit, reduces risk of spills, urine in the bed, carpet, or on the floor.  Urine spilled on beds and carpet promote an unsanitary environment due to difficulty and time consuming clean up.  Urine spilled on a solid floor surface is a tremendous fall risk for everyone in the household.

Decreased spills means:  decreased laundering of linens and pajamas, less time changing linens and cleaning up spills, eliminates odors from spilled urine, promotion of hygiene and cleanliness, decreased risk of a fall, and decreased risk of spreading germs.  It also eases caregiver strain.

Male urinal that can promote participation in recovery

My father had bilateral knee replacements.He had several complications and set backs and had an extended stay in the hospital. Because of both knees being operated on at the same time, he had a very difficult time using a urinal. It was hard for him to sit-up, turn from side to side or even bend his knees to accommodate a urinal without spilling it in the bed. To position the urinal was also difficult due to the continuous positie motion machines placed on his legs for range of motion. My Dad was embarrassed and discouraged due to this problem. A foley catheter was not an option at this point in his care and I felt so bad for my Dad. I approached Jacque for help, and she devised the external urinary device from simple materials and it was a miracle. My father was able to use this device without once spilling the urine in the ed and the design was so user friendly that he could actually place the device himself, even laying flat on his back. From that point on, my father had almost an immediate change in attitude and his progress improved. He felt in control agian, no longer helpless. I am so thankful to Jacque and her invention for giving my father his dignity back. I know other male patients would greatly benefit from the external  urinary device.”

Sincerely, Suzanne D.


Visit for more information on the Male Urinary Drainage System

Male Urinal great for traveling!

“I recommend the Urinal device to any one who has to go frequently. This device is great during traffic, long road trips and for little boys who can’t hold it. Peeople in the hospital, wheel chairs, and anyone who is handicap. This container keeps the urine sealed tight until you properly can dispose of it. This device has a flexible hose to dispose of the urine easy and mess free. Compared to the urinal cup this device is easy, flexible and convenient to use.”

Willie W.


Visit for more information on the Male Urinary Drainage System

Problems with using a Male Urinal? I have the solution!

Problem #1 – a bedside urinal for men requires that a man have enough length to point his penis into the urinal.  As men age, pubic fat frequently envelops the penis and causes less available length to point into a urinal.

Problem #2 – he also has to maintain the appropriate angle of the urinal to prevent urine from spilling back onto him. This is very difficult, especially if the man has any sort or restrictive appliance or cast.  Urine will not run up hill and if the appropriate angle is not maintained – there goes the urine all over the man and any surrounding area.

Problem #3 – a moderate amount of dexterity is required and the use of both hands is almost a necessity.  Males who have lost one arm or have had a stroke are especially challenged.  Men with tremors are generally stable with their arm or hand against their body, but as soon as they move their arm away holding the urinal the tremors resume and making it difficult to place the filled urinal onto a surface without spilling it.

These are just 3 of the problems associated with using a male urinal and there are often limited to no solution to the problem.   The answer is in the type of male urinal utilized.  Try a Male Urinary Drainage System as a great alternative

Spill Proof Male Urinal new design

Male Urinals have not been very friendly to their users in the past.  O.K., they are cheap and as long as you don’t have a handicap or disability they work moderately well for most healthy males.

But what about those of you who have difficulty using a urinal.  Maybe your hands shake and you spill the urine out of the urinal just trying to set it down.  Or what about when you need to use it again and there is already urine in it?  Not an easy task for someone with decreased dexterity or shaking hands.

A spill proof urinal generally doesn’t mean that you literally cannot spill the urine, just that if used appropriately, it is a deterrent to spilling urine.

Help has arrived.  Try the Male Urinary Drainage System, or MUDS.  It is a conduit which directs the urine into a container that cannot be spilled.  Check it out!!

This is what makes the MUDS a spill proof urinal for men

chamber withinachamberMUDS has three primary features that work together to prevent spilling of urine and make it a spill proof urinal.

The primary feature is that urine does not stay in the MUDS receptacle.  It drains in the container that holds up to 2500ml of urine.

The second feature is the design of the receptacle itself in that it is a chamber within a chamber.  It works similar to a liquid laundry detergent cap by preventing the urine from flowing back out of the container once the urine is in it.

The third feature is the “drip lip” which prevents dribbles of urine from spilling back on to the male during or after use.

Solution for putting a male urinal on a bedside table

The Traditional urinal.  Not much to it, right?  You just urinate into it and then, what?  Well, let’s see, most men set it on the bedside table or the floor.

If you set it on the bedside table, do you have your glass of water setting by it?  Do you set your snacks or maybe even your teeth or toothbrush on the same table?  When you use a urinal, urine and bodily excrement from the groin area is transferred to the outside of the urinal.  Then you set it on your table?  Where you put your food and drink?  Yuk.  But, what else are you supposed to do?

If you set the urinal on the floor, how many times has it been kicked over or spilled accidentally?

I have the solution for you.  A MUDS unit has a holder that can be attached to a bedrail, chairrail, or even to a bedside nightstand that you do not set your food or drink on.

If you are using a traditional urinal or other  urine collection devices

You are in control!

You are in control!

, try a MUDS

Urinary help for female campers

We went camping and I was 6 months pregnant.    My mother and I each had a Male urinary drainage system in our tents and were able to urinate into the device without difficulty. We had the privacy of our tents, and the convenience of not having to walk or drive almost 1 mile to the nearest restrooms. We took the containers to the restroom facilities every morning and emptied them. It was great.”

Michele D

Visit our website at for more information on this  female urinal alternative

You are in control!

You are in control!

Why I invented the MUDS

As a mother, there is nothing in this world that hurts more than when your child is hurting. My son suffered a terrible accident that resulted in a 3/4 body cast for over 8 weeks. I am fortunate and blessed that I had the knowledge and ability to help him during his recovery.

My son was devastated to find himself using a diaper or depending on Mom, NaNa, Aunt Kathy, or his sister to aide with his toileting needs. So, I began developing what I now call, the MUDS. it was a lot of trial and error, but the system worked. My son was completely independent of urination with the exception of needing someone to empty the container. The MUDS became like my purse, we took it everywhere we went. My son was able to use the my alternative to a bedside urinal My son in his castfor men in the Doctors office, public restroom, and even in the car. When he was out of the cast, he continued to use the MUDS, especially at night, until he no longer needed crutches.

To learn more about my invention, visit

Male urinal alternative

A Non-invasive Alternative to a Urinal or Catheter for the Continent Male.

Introducing a product that can improve the quality of life for a male confined to a bed, chair, car, or any location that prevents access to a toilet or restroom for urinary relief.      A great alternative to a male urinal,

You are in control!

You are in control!

MUDS is ideal for males having difficulty using a standard urinal.

The “MUDS” product is cost effective, durable, non-invasive, and easy to use.
Visit for more information.


Urinal for males with limited vision

What makes the MUDS or Male Urinary Drainage System the perfect urinal for a male with limited vision?

During the design process, the inventor took into consideration numerous handicaps.  Decreased or limited vision makes it difficult to use a urinal.  Placement or the urinal can be managed, but,  the problem occurs with the attempt to place the urinal with urine in it onto a surface after use.  It causes frequent spills.

The Male Urinary Drainage System, or MUDS, has two features that solves this problem.  One, the urine doesn’t stay in the urinating device, it drains into a container which will hold 2500ml.  This solves the spilling problem when attempting to place the urinal on a surface after use.  Two, the MUDS device has orientation ridges which allow the user to place the device appropriately.

This is one of the many features that makes the MUDS truly a spill proof urinal for males with visual defecits.

My funny story about a bathroom problem

Male urinary Problems?  Just thought someone out there might appreciate this story.  However, I’m quite sure that my daughter won’t.

My family went on a camping trip when my daughter was 4 years old.  You know, a nice campground with male and female bathrooms with shower stalls.  I woke up early and decided to go fishing.  My husband stayed at the campsite with our daughter – just sleeping the morning away.  She woke up and needed to go to the bathroom.  Of course, her Daddy took her to  the camp restrooms and proceeded to instruct her to go to the bathroom and that he was going into the male restroom.  That if she finished before he did, she was to wait right outside the door.  Soooo, Daddy hurriedly used the bathroom and waited patiently outside the female bathroom/shower area for his little girl.  After a few minutes when Daddy’s little girl did not come out of the bathroom, he called out “Michele, are you O.K.?”.  Michele answered “Yes Daddy, I am O.K..  So, Daddy waited,…. and waited some more.  He repeated, “Michele are you O.K.”.  and Michele states “I need somebody to wipe my butt”.  Daddy said “Michele, I can’t come in the bathroom, you will have to wipe your own butt”.  Michele began crying and wailing that she needed somebody to wipe her butt.  Daddy finally asked her, “Michele, is there anybody in there?” and Michele answered “Yes Daddy”.  So Daddy states again that he can’t come in the bathroom, that she will have to wipe her own butt, and the wailing began all over again.  Daddy noticed that no one had come or gone from the female restroom and again asked Michele, “Is there anybody in there with you?”.  and Michele proceeded to again answer, “Yes, Daddy” and then she added “Me”.  So, Daddy did go into the female restroom to wipe Micheles’ butt and after that Michele had to learn to wipe her own butt.

If you have a funny story, please share.


Let’s see……A bedside urinal for men?  They are simple to use if you don’t have tremors, have use of BOTH hands, don’t mind them sitting on your bedside table (that you put your drink on), have great vision, don’t have any gut, and/or don’t mind if it spills and soaks into your bed or carpet stinking up your house.

A MUDS or Male Urinary Drainage System on the other hand, is easy to use even if you have handicaps or defecits that make using a standard urinal less than optimal if not impossible.   It has a great spill deterrent (nothing is spill proof if you try hard enough), and is designed so that it doesn’t matter if you can see what you are doing or not.

The MUDS promotes increased independence for males who have traditionally had difficulty with a urinal.  It is a safety intervention when used appropriately to reduce the risk of falls related to nighttime frequency or urgency, shortness of breath, difficulty walking, weakness, or inability to walk alone.

Why such large tubing?

How does the Male Urinary Drainage System  prevent spills?

The MUDS has multiple spill preventative features.  One, is that the urine doesn’t stay in the urine receiving unit, it drains into a container which holds up to 2500ml of urine.  The large corrugated tubing prevents kinks and allows the urine to drain almost immediately into the container.  You can’t spill urine that is not stored in the receptacle that receives the urine.

If you are looking for a spill proof male urinal, try a MUDS!  You are in control!

Directions for cleaning the MUDS

You are in control!

You are in control!

Routine cleaning of the MUDS will prevent bacteria and mold growth and extend the usage of the unit.

Emptying the MUDS:  Unscrew the tubing from the drainage container and place the cap on the container.  Measure the urine using the markings on the side.   Remove the cap and pour the urine into the toilet carefully to avoid splashing.  Reconnect the drainage container to the tubing at the bed or chair side and place the container in the desired location.

The container will hold at least 2500ml in the upright position.  It is recommended that at least once every 24 hours the unit be rinsed out with water or a 50/50 vinegar solution to prevent crystals from building up in the tubing or unit and for odor control.  The container should be emptied at least every 12 hours and as needed.  Do not let the urine fill above the 3000 ml mark or it will inhibit the urine drainage into the container and make emptying the container difficult.

Any portable urine device requires routine cleaning to preserve sanitation and maintain the expected life of the unit.

Innovative help for males with urinary problems

The Male Urinary Drainage System or MUDS has the patented feature of a “drip lip”.  It’s purpose is to prevent urine from spilling back onto the male during or after urination into the unit.

Many males, particularly older males, have male urinary problems that cause slow urine flow, intermittent stream of urine, or dribbling at the end of the urination episode.  This makes it very difficult to use many of the common urinary devices available without urine spilling back onto the male.

The MUDS “drip lip”  is designed to facilitate ease of use for men with these problems.  The unit is seated against the pubic area forming a light seal.  When dribbles or intermittent streams of urine occur, the drip lip prevents the urine from dribbling or even flowing back onto the male.drip lip

Great male urinal alternative for using while lying flat of your back

Males with urine trouble,  such as inability to use a urinal due to the use of only one hand or restrictions in movement due to spinal injuries, can be more independent in urination with the use of the MUDS.  Here are some helpful hints to promote efficient use of the MUDS.

LYING FLAT ON YOUR BACK:   (Remember it is a gravity system) Slightly bend knee and place tubing under leg of choice. Place over penis with textured side up. Apply gentle pressure to groin area and press unit down gently into the scrotum. This will provide the appropriate angle for gravity drainage. The soft edge will not scratch or irritate. Do not leave tubing under leg for extended periods. It could cause pressure sores.

LYING FLAT ON YOUR BACK WHEN SPINAL PRECAUTIONS MUST BE MAINTAINED:  Use the 2 and 3 ft sections of tubing to form a 5 ft connection (remove the threaded connector from one end of each section of tubing, then use the connector provided to splice the 2 sections together) Hang the drainage container toward the foot of the bed. To use: run the tubing between the legs and use as above. If the bed is capable, slight reverse trendelenberg will greatly improve gravity drainage. This will allow the user to urinate independently and minimize to eliminate any leakage. Again, ensure that the tubing is against the bed when not in use to prevent falls.

Goals associated with using the MUDS


  • Decreased need for invasive catheters
  • Reduce or Eliminate spilling or urine
  • Avoid pain
  • Increase cleanliness and hygiene
  • Easy to use
  • Decrease the risk of infection
  • Accurate Output
  • Increase Mobility
  • Help improve personal self esteem


The MUDS is specifically designed to be utilized at each urination episode for a continent or bladder trained male with all the non-invasive features of a catheter. It is not a condom catheter and is not suitable for incontinent males unless they are bladder trained to urinate on command.

A male does not have to be handicapped or have challenges to use the MUDS. Other potential users are truck drivers, hunters, pilots, fisherman, campers. A healthy female would not have any difficulty using the MUDS in discreet places, such as in a tent or a RV.

Try a MUDS as a great alternative to a catheter or alternative to a urinal

You are in control!

You are in control!

for a continent male.

Offset the cost of new CAUTI regulations!


Male Urinary Drainage System

  • Assist in Compliance with JCAHO
  • Decreased  nosocomial infections
  • Decreased incidence of injuries
  • Decreased skin breakdown
  • Decreased nursing, housekeeping, and laundering time
  • Decreased use of supplies
  • Promotes accurate measurement
  • Increases patient self-esteem resulting in increased patient satisfaction
  • Promotes patient ability to urinate independently
  • It is a opportunity to make an incontinent male continent

Try the MUDS as your facilities  catheter alternative for a continent male.  Prevent CAUTI

You are in control!

You are in control!

Frequency vs Urgency

Excessive urination, frequency, and urgency, are descriptive symptoms of a dysfunction in our urinary habits.

The term Excessive urination refers to urinating an abnormally large amount of urine over a given period of time.    The average amount of daily urine for an adult is 1.5 liters or just over 1 and 1/2 quarts.  Excessive urination is considered over 2.5 liters per day or just over 2 and 1/2 quarts.

Frequency refers to how often your body requires you to empty your bladder.   On average we empty our bladders about ever 5 hours give or take an hour.

Urgency is when you have the overwhelming urge to urinate regardless of whether or not your bladder needs to be emptied.  It is overwhelming and often anxiety producing due to the sudden onset of the urge to urinate.

If you have any of these symptoms, there is usually an underlying cause that can be treated.  See your physician and discuss your symptoms

Try a male urinary drainage system for a great alternative to a urinal

You are in control!

You are in control!

for continent males.

Ease Caregiver Strain

Persons who have a loved one that they care for continuously often experience what is called caregiver strain.  At times we can all become overwhelmed with the weekly, daily, hourly care that is sometimes required.  For males, some of the sources of strain are frequently cleaning up spilled urine, changing linens and clothes related to spilling of urine, and dealing with the resulting odors.

Caregiver strain can effect our ability to safely and appropriately care for our loved ones.  Any measure that can relieve any of that strain is helfpul.  I always say, “thats one more thing off of my head”, and I am always relieved when I solve a problem that makes my workload easier.

If you are the caregiver or know of a caregiver of a continent male who has difficulty using a urinal or has been placed in diapers because he can’t use other male urinary devices

You are in control!

You are in control!

without spilling, give the MUDS a try.

Alternative to skipping your “water pill” for a continent male

All right, tell the truth.  How many of you have skipped taking your “water pill” because you were going to be riding in the car for even a short distance and you didn’t want to have to worry about finding a place to urinate.

A male urinal  

You are in control!

You are in control!

spills easily and is sometimes difficult to use which makes men inclined to either skip their pill, or stay at home.

I have only taken a “water pill” once.  I now know how urgently you have to get to the bathroom to urinate.  And talk about frequency.  We were just trying to play a game of cards and every time we finished a hand, I was hurrying to the bathroom, and sometimes couldn’t even wait until the hand was over.  It was very frustrating.  I do occasionally have urgency even though I do not routinely take “water pills”.  It is very distressing and anxiety producing.

When you skip your “water pill” you place yourself at risk to retain excess fluid which can lead to difficulty breathing and makes your heart have to work overtime to keep up.  For you guys, there is no excuse not to take your “water pill” even if you are traveling.  Try a Male Urinary Drainage System.  Great for traveling and you won’t have to worry about getting stuck in traffic or not being able to find a place to urinate.  And you certainly don’t have to stay at home.  You are in control!


Over 40% of all nosocomial infections are caused by Catheter Associated Urinary Tract Infections  or CAUTI

You are in control!

You are in control!


$       Antibiotic therapy, IV or PO, depending on severity of infection

$       Nursing and pharmacy time to prepare, administer, and evaluate effectiveness

$       Additional lab studies;  UA and UC, peaks and troughs with some antibiotics

$       Treatment of pain

$       Recovery may be further complicated by age

$       Could lead to sepsis

$       Common adverse effects of UTI’s are frequency and urgency which may lead to further injury such as falls

$       Any increase in patient treatment requires increased assess by physicians and nurse which includes additional documentation of the assessment

$       Increased hospital stay or outpatient treatment and follow-up

Try a MUDS for your facilities alternative to a catheter for a continent male.

[i] 1.  Guideline for Prevention of Catheter-associated Urinary Tract Infections Feb. 1981. http//

Alternative to inserting a foley catheter in a continent male

One of the many reasons to avoid inserting a foley catheter in a continent male is the risk of trauma.  Insertion of a foley catheter is painful and has the associated risk of causing injury to the urethra or prostate.

There is a high probability of bleeding when the catheter is traumatically removed with the bulb intact.  For example:  If the patient is getting out of bed, ambulating, or misjudges the length of the tubing when hurriedly getting out of bed to go to the bathroom for a bowel movement the catheter could accidentally be tugged and traumatically pulled out.

When injury occurs, treatment may include:  reinsertion of the foley, bladder irrigation, blood transfusion, or a increased hospital stay with increased acuity of care.  Traumatic injuries related to urethral catheters  can lead to shock and potential long term consequences as a result of the injury.

Try other alternatives to a catheter in continent males before inserting a foley catheter

Tips for using the MUDS while lying flat on your back

Males with urine trouble

You are in control!

You are in control!

, such as inability to use a urinal due to the use of only one hand or restrictions in movement due to spinal injuries, can be more independent in urination with the use of the MUDS.  Here are some helpful hints to promote efficient use of the MUDS.

LYING FLAT ON YOUR BACK:   (Remember it is a gravity system) Slightly bend knee and place tubing under leg of choice. Place over penis with textured side up. Apply gentle pressure to groin area and press unit down gently into the scrotum. This will provide the appropriate angle for gravity drainage. The soft edge will not scratch or irritate. Do not leave tubing under leg for extended periods. It could cause pressure sores.

LYING FLAT ON YOUR BACK WHEN SPINAL PRECAUTIONS MUST BE MAINTAINED:  Use the 2 and 3 ft sections of tubing to form a 5 ft connection (remove the threaded connector from one end of each section of tubing, then use the connector provided to splice the 2 sections together) Hang the drainage container toward the foot of the bed. To use: run the tubing between the legs and use as above. If the bed is capable, slight reverse trendelenberg will greatly improve gravity drainage. This will allow the user to urinate independently and minimize to eliminate any leakage. Again, ensure that the tubing is against the bed when not in use to prevent falls.

Portable Urinary Device

Male urinals are  not user or caregiver friendly. They require that a male be continent as does the MUDS.  But, that is where the difference ends.

Male urinals are easily spilled, they hold only 1000ml full (if you can fill it without spilling it), and they are placed on the floor or eating surface after use (ooh gross), make it difficult to maintain accurate measurement of output, are difficult to impossible for some men to use, require frequent linen changes and clean up if spilled, and increase the risk of falls from slipping in spilled urine.

The MUDS eliminates or reduces spills, holds 2500ml (enough for all day for most men), can be hung on a bed rail or chair with versatile holder, aids in the measurement of accurate output, easy to use unaided in virtually any position, decreases need for linen changes, and decreases the risk of falls.

The MUDS is a great alternative to any other portable urinary device  or spill proof urinal

You are in control!

You are in control!

How to position the MUDS holder to a rail

Choose the appropriate place to attach the holder.  Consider whether the user is left or right handed, which side would be most appropriate for safety, or give the most privacy.

The holder has a 90 degree angle that seats over the bed rail.  Wrap the Velcro strap around the holder at the middle and around the bed rail, insert the end of the strap thru the buckle, pull the strap in the direction as if you were tightening a belt to insert the prong, (adjust the strap and the holder to provide the tightest and most secure hold) the strap should be velcroed in the opposite direction that it was inserted for the best hold.  See video demonstration.

There are also small holes on either side of the holder.  2 small screws could be inserted to secure to a bedside table or even the bedrail if you want a more permanent solution.   Video demonstration available at  .

Visit [email protected] for more information about this alternative to a male urinal

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Great Alternative to a urinal for wheel chair bound males

You are in control!

You are in control!

Being wheelchair bound doesn’t mean that you are incontinent.  It may mean, simply, that you are unable to stand for any significant period of time in order to urinate into the toilet.

For wheelchair bound males, it is great to carry on wheelchair and can be used without the container as a means of urinating directly into the toilet from the wheelchair.

To do this, simply disconnect the container from the tubing. Place the tubing and the device into a bag and hang on the whelchair. When urinating into the MUDS, direct the tubing just over the toilet, place the device over the penis and allow the urine to drain directly into the toilet instead of into the container.

With a MUDS you have increased independence in public or at home for your male urination needs.

Visit us at

MUDS Testimonial

Anyone who is placed in a diaper experiences feelings of frustration and depression due to the loss of what is sometimes their last bit of dignity.

My friends’ Dad had surgery on both of his knees.  He was unable to get out of bed by himself because everyone was afraid he would fall.  Frequently, it was just too much trouble, and time consuming, to get him out of bed just to urinate.  He received therapy with a machine that bent his knees and then straightened them kind of like riding a bicycle.  The therapy would last for several hours.  After a few attempts at using  a male urinal, with the only success being that the urine spilled back onto him, the nursing staff placed him in diapers.

He was so embarrassed and frustrated.  One of the last shreds of dignity for an aging man, and even that was taken away from him.  He participated poorly in all of his care and lost the will to get better.  My friend asked if I could help.  Her Dad successfully used a Male Urinary Drainage System and was out of diapers for the remainder of his stay in rehab.  He began participating in the recovery process and she stated that his whole attitude was much improved.

Try a MUDS

You are in control!

You are in control!

for your spill proof urinal.  You are in control!

Cost effective alternative to a foley catheter for a continent male

You are in control!

You are in control!

The MUDS is a male urinary system for a continent male to use in any position regardless of restrictive appliances or physical deficits without significant male urinary leakage or spilling during or after use.

It provides a cost effective alternative to a catheter or a urinal that will promote the users medical treatment plan, provide more efficient time management for medical staff and home care givers, and promote self esteem.

      The Male Urinary Drainage system will allow a continent male to urinate lying flat on their back, sitting, lying on their side, or standing without significant back-flow during or after use.  It is configured for maneuvering the actual collection system into tight spaces created by  casts, braces, etc..  It is easily used by persons with neurological deficits such as Parkinson’s or motor control deficits such as tremors

Awesome Spill Proof Male Urinal

Male urinals are easily spilled, hold only 1000ml full (if you can fill it without spilling it), are placed on the floor or eating surface after use (yuck), make it difficult to maintain accurate measurement of output, are difficult to impossible for some men to use, require frequent linen changes and clean up if spilled, and increase the risk of falls from slipping in spilled urine.

The MUDS eliminates or reduces spills, holds 2500ml (enough for all day for most men), can be hung on a bed rail or chair with versatile holder, aids in the measurement of accurate output, easy to use unaided in virtually any position, decreases need for linen changes, and decreases the risk of falls.

The MUDS is a awesome alternative to any other portable urinary device

You are in control!

You are in control!

, or spill proof urinal

Alternative to a Catheter

Alternatives to a catheter must be utilized before inserting a invasive Foley Catheter and promoting the risks associated.  For a continent male, the MUDS preserves many of  the desired features of a Foley Catheter without the unwanted and unnecessary risks of a foley catheter.

Try a male urinary drainage system  as your catheter alternative for a continent male in your facility.

Visit us at

Preventing CAUTI

Finally, all of the desired features of a catheter without the catheter associated risk of infection or injury.  Every body’s goal is to avoid catheter associated urinary tract infections  or CAUTI.

Introducing a non-invasive alternative to a catheter

You are in control!

You are in control!

for a continent male,

The MUDS objective is to provide a male urinary system for a continent male to use in virtually any position regardless of restrictive appliances or physical deficits without significant leakage or spilling during or after use.

Front-line alternative before inserting a Foley catheter in a continent male exclusively available from MUDS LLC.

Visit us at for more information.

Male Urinary Drainage System candidates

The MUDS is specifically designed to be utilized at each urination episode.  It is not a condom catheter

You are in control!

You are in control!

and is not suitable for incontinent males unless they are bladder trained to urinate on command.

A male does not have to be handicapped or have challenges to use the MUDS.  Other potential users are truck drivers, hunters, pilots, fisherman, campers.  A healthy female would not have any difficulty using the MUDS in discreet places, such as in a tent or a RV.

Try a MUDS today.  Visit us at

New product to assist with prevention of CAUTI

Finally, all of the desired features of  a foley catheter without the catheter associated risk  of infection (CAUTI) or injury.

Increased independence for geriatric, bed/chair bound males.  Safety intervention.   Infection control intervention.   Assist in compliance with OSHA/JCAHO regulations.  Promotes cost effective use of nursing, housekeeping, laundry services, and supplies.   Assists in decreasing the incidence of workman’s compensation claims.

Try a Male Urinary Drainage System  today.

Innovative Spill Proof Male Urinal

The MUDS has three primary features that work together to prevent spilling of urine and make it a spill proof urinal

The primary feature is that urine does not stay in the MUDS receptacle. It drains in the container that holds up to 2500ml of urine.

The second feature is the design of the receptacle itself in that it is a chamber within a chamber. It works similar to a liquid laundry detergent cap by preventing the urine from flowing back out of the container once the urine is in it.

The third feature is the “drip lip” which prevents dribbles of urine from spilling back on to the male during or after use.

Try a MUDS for your spill proof urinal needs or as an  alternative to a condom catheter for a continent male who cannot use a standard urinal.

Visit our informational website at or go directly to our secure shopping cart at chamber withinachamberto order your MUDS today.

Who needs a MUDS?

You are in control!

You are in control!

The MUDS will allow a continent male to urinate lying flat on their back, sitting, lying on their side, or standing without significant back-flow during or after use.  It is designed to be easily maneuvered into tight spaces created by  casts, braces, etc..  It is easily used by persons with tremors, weakness, visual deficits, or use of only one arm.

Try a MUDS for your spill proof male urinal alternative.

Visit us today at

Cost effective solution for male CAUTI

How can the MUDS be a cost effective solution for your facility?

Decreased nosocomial infections is one of the most important goals in a facility.  It costs additional money to care for patients who acquire infections such as CAUTI as well as a loss in reimbursement of costs in care.

The MUDS is certainly more expensive than a basic urinal that most facilities can buy for one or two dollars.  But, the MUDS is a great alternative to a catheter for males who are continent but we need the features of a foley such as measurement, decreasing spills, keeping the patient dry, and decreasing laundering and nursing time changing beds due to  spills or inability to use a urinal.  And it keeps the urinal off of the bedside table.


Try the MUDS as your facilities catheter alternative

You are in control!

You are in control!

for a continent male.

Visit us today at

Try this innovative male urinal

The MUDS is the ultimate spill proof urinal.

It may be used in virtually any position as long as the tubing and main device are in position to drain by gravity.

Place the MUDS unit over the penis. The orientation textured surface is to be up. Gently press against groin area forming a light seal. Urinate into device. When finished urinating, raise device to straighten tubing and allow all urine to drain into the container. Replace the MUDS device into the holder and apply the lid.

The SECRET to the MUDS working at it’s best is in the setup. The container needs to be placed to allow for the most direct route of drainage from where the device will be used, limiting loops or sags in the tubing.

Try a MUDS today for  your urine collection device

You are in control!

You are in control!


Innovative alternative to a sheath urinal

condom catheter is designed to be worn continuously and has its place for incontinent males.  But, they are uncomfortable, the tubing frequently kinks limiting drainage into the drainage bag , and they require that the male have enough length to apply it.   They have their place for incontinent males to help decrease the need for other  incontinent supplies such as diapers.

The MUDS is designed to be used intermittently at each urination episode.  It does not support being worn continuously and requires continence (knowing when you need to urinate) or at least the ability to be bladder trained (to urinate on command to avoid accidents).

Try a MUDS for your sheath urinal alternative




Caregiver Friendly Male Urinal

You are in control!

You are in control!

Male urinals are  not user or caregiver friendly. They require that a male be continent as does the MUDS.  But, that is where the difference ends.

Male urinals are easily spilled, they hold only 1000ml full (if you can fill it without spilling it), and they are placed on the floor or eating surface after use (ooh gross), make it difficult to maintain accurate measurement of output, are difficult to impossible for some men to use, require frequent linen changes and clean up if spilled, and increase the risk of falls from slipping in spilled urine.

The MUDS eliminates or reduces spills, holds 2500ml (enough for all day for most men), can be hung on a bed rail or chair with versatile holder, aids in the measurement of accurate output, easy to use unaided in virtually any position, decreases need for linen changes, and decreases the risk of falls.

The MUDS is a great alternative to any other portable urinary device  or spill proof urinal

How To: Attaching the MUDS holder to a rail

Choose the appropriate place to attach the holder.  Consider whether the user is left or right handed, which side would be most appropriate for safety, or give the most privacy.

The holder has a 90 degree angle that seats over the bed rail.  Wrap the Velcro strap around the holder at the middle and around the bed rail, insert the end of the strap thru the buckle, pull the strap in the direction as if you were tightening a belt to insert the prong, (adjust the strap and the holder to provide the tightest and most secure hold) the strap should be velcroed in the opposite direction that it was inserted for the best hold.  See video demonstration.

There are also small holes on either side of the holder.  2 small screws could be inserted to secure to a bedside table or even the bedrail if you want a more permanent solution.   Video demonstration available at

Visit [email protected] for more information about this alternative to a male urinal

Solution for urinating from a wheel chair

Being wheelchair bound doesn’t mean that you are incontinent.  It may mean, simply, that you are unable to stand for any significant period of time in order to urinate into the toilet.

For wheelchair  bound males, it is great to carry on wheelchair and can be used without the container as a means of urinating directly into the toilet from the wheelchair.

To do this, simply disconnect the container from the tubing. Place the tubing and the device into a bag and hang on the whelchair. When urinating into the MUDS, direct the tubing just over the toilet, place the device over the penis and allow the urine to drain directly into the toilet instead of into the container.

With a MUDS you have increased independence in public or at home for your male urination needs.

Visit us at mudsllc.comMy son in his cast

Spillproof Urinal Testimonial

You are in control!

You are in control!

Anyone who is placed in a diaper experiences feelings of frustration and depression due to the loss of what is sometimes their last bit of dignity.

My friends’ Dad had surgery on both of his knees.  He was unable to get out of bed by himself because everyone was afraid he would fall.  Frequently, it was just too much trouble, and time consuming, to get him out of bed just to urinate.  He received therapy with a machine that bent his knees and then straightened them kind of like riding a bicycle.  The therapy would last for several hours.  After a few attempts at using a male urinal, with the only success being that the urine spilled back onto him, the nursing staff placed him in diapers.

He was so embarrassed and frustrated.  One of the last shreds of dignity for an aging man, and even that was taken away from him.  He participated poorly in all of his care and lost the will to get better.  My friend asked if I could help.  Her Dad successfully used a Male Urinary Drainage System and was out of diapers for the remainder of his stay in rehab.  He began participating in the recovery process and she stated that his whole attitude was much improved.

Try a MUDS for your spill proof urinal.  You are in control!

Great alternative to a foley catheter for a continent male.

The MUDS is a male urinary system for a continent male to use in any position regardless of restrictive appliances or physical deficits without significant male urinary leakage or spilling during or after use.

It provides a cost effective alternative to a foley catheter or a urinal that will promote the users medical treatment plan, provide more efficient time management for medical staff and home care givers, and promote self esteem.

      The Male Urinary Drainage system will allow a continent male to urinate lying flat on their back, sitting, lying on their side, or standing without significant back-flow during or after use.  It is configured for maneuvering the actual collection system into tight spaces created by  casts, braces, etc..  It is easily used by persons with neurological deficits such as Parkinson’s or motor control deficits such  as tremors

You are in control!

You are in control!


Innovative, Spill Proof Male Urinal

Male urinals are easily spilled, hold only 1000ml full (if you can fill it without spilling it), are placed on the floor or eating surface after use (yuck), make it difficult to maintain accurate measurement of output, are difficult to impossible for some men to use, require frequent linen changes and clean up if spilled, and increase the risk of falls from slipping in spilled urine.

The MUDS eliminates or reduces spills, holds 2500ml (enough for all day for most men), can be hung on a bed rail or chair with versatile holder, aids in the measurement of accurate output, easy to use unaided in virtually any position, decreases need for linen changes, and decreases the risk of falls.

The MUDS is a great alternative to any other portable urinary device , or  spill proof urinal

You are in control!

You are in control!

Innovative solution for reducing CAUTI

Finally, all of the desired features of a catheter without the catheter associated risk of infection or injury.  Every body’s goal is to avoid catheter associated urinary tract infections  or CAUTI.

Introducing a non-invasive alternative to a catheter for a continent male,

The MUDS objective is to provide a male urinary system for a continent male to use in virtually any position regardless of restrictive appliances or physical deficits without significant leakage or spilling during or after use.

Front-line alternative before inserting a Foley catheter in a continent male exclusively available from MUDS LLC.

Visit us at

You are in control!

You are in control!

for more information.

When and Who can use a MUDS

The MUDS is specifically designed to be utilized at each urination episode for a continent or bladder trained male with all the non-invasive features of a catheter.  It is not a condom catheter

You are in control!

You are in control!

and is not suitable for incontinent males unless they are bladder trained to urinate on command.

A male does not have to be handicapped or have challenges to use the MUDS.  Other potential users are truck drivers, hunters, pilots, fisherman, campers.  A healthy female would not have any difficulty using the MUDS in discreet places, such as in a tent or a RV.

Try a MUDS today.  Visit us at

Considerations before inserting an indwelling foley catheter.

There are multiple risks associated with inserting a foley catheter.   A patient may develop a UTI, have pain, or experience damaging trauma. Some of the factors to consider when evaluating the cost of a risk that becomes a reality are:

$    Antibiotic therapy, IV or PO, depending on severity of infection

$       Nursing and pharmacy time to prepare, administer, and evaluate effectiveness

$       Additional lab studies;  UA and UC, peaks and troughs with some antibiotics

$       Treatment of pain

$       Recovery may be further complicated by age

$       Could lead to sepsis

$       Common adverse effects of UTI’s are frequency and urgency which may lead to further injury such as falls

$       Any increase in patient treatment requires increased assess by physicians and nurse which includes additional documentation of the assessment

$       Increased hospital stay or outpatient treatment and follow-up


Male Urinary Device that will help ease caregiver strain

You are in control!

You are in control!

We can all become overwhelmed with the weekly, daily, hourly care that is sometimes required to take care of our loved ones.  When caring for a male, some of the sources of strain are:   frequently cleaning up spilled urine, changing linens and clothes related to spilling of urine, and dealing with the resulting odors.

Caregiver strain can effect our ability to safely and appropriately care for our loved ones.  Any measure that can relieve any of that strain is helpful.  I always say, “that’s one more thing off of my head”, and I am always relieved when I solve a problem that makes my workload easier.

If you are the caregiver or know of a caregiver of a continent male who has difficulty using a urinal or has been placed in diapers because he can’t use other  male urinary device .  Give the MUDS a try for your spill proof urinal alternative.

Finally, desired features of a catheter without the associated risk of infection or injury

Finally, all of the desired features of a catheter without the catheter associated risk of infection or injury.  Every body’s goal is to avoid  catheter associated urinary tract infections  or CAUTI.

Introducing a non-invasive alternative to a catheter for a continent male,

The MUDS objective is to provide a male urinary system for a continent male to use in virtually any position regardless of restrictive appliances or physical deficits without significant leakage or spilling during or after use.

Front-line alternative before inserting a Foley catheter in a continent male exclusively available from MUDS LLC

You are in control!

You are in control!

Innovative solution to avoiding the trauma of inserting a urethral catheter in a continent male

One of the many reasons to avoid inserting a foley catheter in a continent male is the risk of trauma.  Insertion of a foley catheter is painful and has the associated risk of causing injury to the urethra or prostate.

There is a high probability of bleeding when the catheter is traumatically removed with the bulb intact.  For example:  If the patient is getting out of bed, ambulating, or misjudges the length of the tubing when hurriedly getting out of bed to go to the bathroom for a bowel movement the catheter could accidentally be tugged and traumatically pulled out.

When injury occurs, treatment may include:  reinsertion of the foley, bladder irrigation, blood transfusion, or a increased hospital stay with increased acuity of care.  Traumatic injuries related to urethral catheters  can lead to shock and potential long term consequences as a result of the injury.

Try other alternatives to a catheter in continent males before inserting a foley catheter.

Try a MUDS

You are in control!

You are in control!

as a great alternative.

Sheath urinal alternative for a continent male

A sheath urinal is designed to be worn continuously and has its place for incontinent males.  However they are uncomfortable, the tubing frequently kinks limiting drainage into the drainage bag , and they require that the male have enough length to apply it.   They have their place for incontinent males to help decrease the need for other incontinent supplies such as diapers.

The MUDS is designed to be used intermittently at each urination episode, it does not support being worn continuously and requires continence (knowing when you need to urinate) or at least the ability to be bladder trained to urinate on command to avoid accidents.

Try a MUDS as your sheath urinal alternative

You are in control!

You are in control!

Helpful hints for using the MUDS while flat on your back

Males with urine trouble, such as inability to use a male urinal

You are in control!

You are in control!

due to the use of only one hand or restrictions in movement due to spinal injuries, can be more independent in urination with the use of the MUDS. Here are some helpful hints to promote efficient use of the MUDS.

LYING FLAT ON YOUR BACK: (Remember it is a gravity system) Slightly bend knee and place tubing under leg of choice. Place over penis with textured side up. Apply gentle pressure to groin area and press unit down gently into the scrotum. This will provide the appropriate angle for gravity drainage. The soft edge will not scratch or irritate. Do not leave tubing under leg for extended periods. It could cause pressure sores.

Try a MUDS for your spill proof urinal alternative.

Features of a spill proof urinal

The MUDS has three primary features that work together to prevent spilling of urine and make it  a spill proof urinal.

The primary feature is that urine does not stay in the MUDS receptacle. It drains into the container that holds up to 2500ml of urine.

The second feature is the design of the receptacle itself.    It works similar to a liquid laundry detergent cap by preventing the urine from flowing back out of the container once the urine is in it.

The third feature is the “drip lip” which prevents dribbles of urine from spilling back on to the male during or after use.

Try a MUDS for your spill proof urinal needs or as an alternative to a condom catheter chamber withinachamberfor a continent male who cannot use a standard urinal.

Who can use a Male Urinary Drainage System

You are in control!

You are in control!

The MUDS is specifically designed to be utilized at each urination episode.  It is not a condom catheter and is not suitable for incontinent males unless they are bladder trained to urinate on command.

A male does not have to be handicapped or have challenges to use the MUDS.  Other potential users are truck drivers, hunters, pilots, fisherman, campers.  A healthy female would not have any difficulty using the MUDS in discreet places, such as in a tent or a RV.

Try a MUDS today.  Visit us at

Features of the MUDS

Finally, all of the desired features of  a foley catheter without the catheter associated risk (CAUTI)  of infection or injury.

Increased independence for geriatric, bed/chair bound males.  Safety intervention.   Infection control intervention.   Assist in compliance with OSHA/JCAHO regulations.    Promotes cost effective use of nursing, housekeeping, laundry services, and supplies.   Assists in decreasing the incidence of workman’s compensation claims.

Try a MUDS

You are in control!

You are in control!


Features making the MUDS a SPILL PROOF URINAL

The MUDS has three primary features that work together to prevent spilling of urine and make it  a spill proof urinal.

The primary feature is that urine does not stay in the MUDS receptacle. It drains in the container that holds up to 2500ml of urine.

The second feature is the design of the receptacle itself in that it is a chamber within a chamber. It works similar to a liquid laundry detergent cap by preventing the urine from flowing back out of the container once the urine is in it.

The third feature is the “drip lip” which prevents dribbles of urine from spilling back on to the male during or after use.

Try a MUDS for your spill proof urinal needs or as an  alternative to a catheter

You are in control!

You are in control!

for a continent male who cannot use a standard urinal.

Urinal alternative

The MUDS will allow a continent male to urinate lying flat on their back, sitting, lying on their side, or standing without significant back-flow during or after use.  It is designed to be easily maneuvered into tight spaces created by  casts, braces, etc..  It is easily used by persons with tremors, weakness, visual deficits, or use of only one arm.

Try a MUDS for your spill proof urinal

You are in control!

You are in control!

Cost effective prevention of CAUTI

How can the MUDS be a cost effective solution for your facility?

Decreased nosocomial infections is one of the most important goals in a facility.  It costs additional money to care for patients who acquire infections such as CAUTI as well as a loss in reimbursement of costs in care.

The MUDS is certainly more expensive than a basic urinal that most facilities can buy for one or two dollars.  But, the MUDS is a great alternative to a catheter for males who are continent but we need the features of a foley such as measurement, decreasing spills, keeping the patient dry, and decreasing laundering and nursing time changing beds due to  spills or inability to use a urinal.


Try the MUDS as your facilities catheter alternative for a continent male.

The ultimate urine collection device.

The MUDS is the ultimate urine collection device.

It may be used in virtually any position as long as the tubing and main device are in position to drain by gravity.

Place the MUDS unit over the penis. The orientation textured surface is to be up. Gently press against groin area forming a light seal. Urinate into device. When finished urinating, raise device to straighten tubing and allow all urine to drain into the container. Replace the MUDS device into the holder and apply the lid.

The SECRET to the MUDS working at it’s best is in the setup. The container needs to be placed to allow for the most direct route of drainage from where the device will be used, limiting loops or sags in the tubing.

Try a MUDS today for you spill proof urinal

You are in control!

You are in control!


Great alternative to a sheath urinal

sheath urinal is designed to be worn continuously and has its place for incontinent males.  But, they are uncomfortable, the tubing frequently kinks limiting drainage into the drainage bag , and they require that the male have enough length to apply it.   They have their place for incontinent

You are in control!

You are in control!

males to help decrease the need for other incontinent supplies such as diapers.

The MUDS is designed to be used intermittently at each urination episode.  It does not support being worn continuously and requires continence (knowing when you need to urinate) or at least the ability to be bladder trained (to urinate on command to avoid accidents)


Try a MUDS today.

New design to the male urinal

The MUDS is a new design to the male urinal.    Male urinals  

You are in control!

You are in control!

are  not user or caregiver friendly. They require that a male be continent as does the MUDS.  But, that is where the difference ends.

Male urinals are easily spilled, they hold only 1000ml full (if you can fill it without spilling it), and they are placed on the floor or eating surface after use (ooh gross), make it difficult to maintain accurate measurement of output, are difficult to impossible for some men to use, require frequent linen changes and clean up if spilled, and increase the risk of falls from slipping in spilled urine.

The MUDS eliminates or reduces spills, holds 2500ml (enough for all day for most men), can be hung on a bed rail or chair with versatile holder, aids in the measurement of accurate output, easy to use unaided in virtually any position, decreases need for linen changes, and decreases the risk of falls.

The MUDS is a great alternative to any other spill proof urinal  or portable urinary device.

Attaching the MUDS Holder to a rail.

click to see demo video

Choose the appropriate place to attach the holder.  Consider whether the user is left or right handed, which side would be most appropriate for safety, or give the most privacy.

The holder has a 90 degree angle that seats over the bed rail.  Wrap the Velcro strap around the holder at the middle and around the bed rail, insert the end of the strap thru the buckle, pull the strap in the direction as if you were tightening a belt to insert the prong, (adjust the strap and the holder to provide the tightest and most secure hold) the strap should be velcroed in the opposite direction that it was inserted for the best hold.  See video demonstration.

There are also small holes on either side of the holder.  2 small screws could be inserted to secure to a bedside table or even the bedrail if you want a more permanent solution.   Video demonstration available at

Visit [email protected] for more information about this alternative to a male urinal.

Solution to difficulty using a urinal for a wheel chair bound male.

Being wheelchair bound doesn’t mean that you are incontinent.  It may mean, simply, that you are unable to stand for any significant period of time in order to urinate into the toilet.

For wheelchair  bound males, it is great to carry on wheelchair and can be used without the container as a means of urinating directly into the toilet from the wheelchair.

To do this, simply disconnect the container from the tubing. Place the tubing and the device into a bag and hang on the whelchair. When urinating into the MUDS, direct the tubing just over the toilet, place the device over the penis and allow the urine to drain directly into the toilet instead of into the container.

With a MUDS you have increased independence in public or at home for your male urination needs.

Visit us at

Is a diaper really the best alternative?

Anyone who is placed in a diaper  experiences feelings of frustration and depression due to the loss of what is sometimes their last bit of dignity.

My friends’ Dad had surgery on both of his knees.  He was unable to get out of bed by himself because everyone was afraid he would fall.  Frequently, it was just too much trouble, and time consuming, to get him out of bed just to urinate.  He received therapy with a machine that bent his knees and then straightened them kind of like riding a bicycle.  The therapy would last for several hours.  After a few attempts at using  a male urinal, with the only success being that the urine spilled back onto him, the nursing staff placed him in diapers.

He was so embarrassed and frustrated.  One of the last shreds of dignity for an aging man, and even that was taken away from him.  He participated poorly in all of his care and lost the will to get better.  My friend asked if I could help.  Her Dad successfully used a Male Urinary Drainage System and was out of diapers for the remainder of his stay in rehab.  He began participating in the recovery process and she stated that his whole attitude was much improved.

Try a MUDS  for your spill proof urinal.  You are in control!

What a MUDS can do for you.

The MUDS is  male urinary system for a continent male to use in any position regardless of restrictive appliances or physical deficits without significant male urinary leakage or spilling during or after use.

It provides a cost effective  alternative to a foley or a urinal that will promote the users medical treatment plan, provide more efficient time management for medical staff and home care givers, and promote self esteem.

      The Male Urinary Drainage system will allow a continent male to urinate lying flat on their back, sitting, lying on their side, or standing without significant back-flow during or after use.  It is configured for maneuvering the actual collection system into tight spaces created by  casts, braces, etc..  It is easily used by persons with neurological deficits such as Parkinson’s or motor control deficits such as tremors.

Caregiver friendly male urinal.

 Male urinals are  not user or caregiver friendly.

Male urinals are easily spilled, hold only 1000ml full (if you can fill it without spilling it), are placed on the floor or eating surface after use (yuck), make it difficult to maintain accurate measurement of output, are difficult to impossible for some men to use, require frequent linen changes and clean up if spilled, and increase the risk of falls from slipping in spilled urine.

The MUDS eliminates or reduces spills, holds 2500ml (enough for all day for most men), can be hung on a bed rail or chair with versatile holder, aids in the measurement of accurate output, easy to use unaided in virtually any position, decreases need for linen changes, and decreases the risk of falls.

The MUDS is a great alternative to any other portable urinary device

Prevent CAUTI

Finally, all of the desired features of a catheter without the catheter associated risk of infection or injury.  Every body’s goal is to avoid catheter associated urinary tract infections  or CAUTI.

Introducing a non-invasive alternative to a foley for a continent male,

The MUDS objective is to provide a male urinary system for a continent male to use in virtually any position regardless of restrictive appliances or physical deficits without significant leakage or spilling during or after use.

Front-line alternative before inserting a Foley catheter in a continent male exclusively available from MUDS LLC.

Visit us at for more information.

Who needs a Male Urinary Drainage System?

The MUDS is specifically designed to be utilized at each urination episode for a continent or bladder trained male with all the non-invasive features of a catheter.  It is not a condom catheter and is not suitable for incontinent males unless they are bladder trained to urinate on command.

A male does not have to be handicapped or have challenges to use the MUDS.  Other potential users are truck drivers, hunters, pilots, fisherman, campers.  A healthy female would not have any difficulty using the MUDS in discreet places, such as in a tent or a RV.

Try a MUDS today.  Visit us at

Costs associated with Risk factors related to catheter insertion

Potential costs associated with risks related to catheter insertion

$       Antibiotic therapy, IV or PO, depending on severity of infection

$       Nursing and pharmacy time to prepare, administer, and evaluate effectiveness

$       Additional lab studies;  UA and UC, peaks and troughs with some antibiotics

$       Treatment of pain

$       Recovery may be further complicated by age

$       Could lead to sepsis

$       Common adverse effects of UTI’s are frequency and urgency which may lead to further injury such as falls

$       Any increase in patient treatment requires increased assess by physicians and nurse which includes additional documentation of the assessment

$       Increased hospital stay or outpatient treatment and follow-up


Male urinary device to ease caregiver strain.

Care giver strain.  At times we can all become overwhelmed with the weekly, daily, hourly care that is sometimes required.  For males, some of the sources of strain are frequently cleaning up spilled urine, changing linens and clothes related to spilling of urine, and dealing with the resulting odors.

Caregiver strain can effect our ability to safely and appropriately care for our loved ones.  Any measure that can relieve any of that strain is helpful.  I always say, “that’s one more thing off of my head”, and I am always relieved when I solve a problem that makes my workload easier.

If you are the caregiver or know of a caregiver of a continent male who has difficulty using a urinal or has been placed in diapers because he can’t use other male urinary device.  Give the MUDS a try for your spill proof urinal alternative.

Desired features of a catheter

Finally, all of the desired features of a catheter without the catheter associated risk of infection or injury.  Every body’s goal is to avoid catheter associated urinary tract infections or CAUTI.

Introducing a non-invasive alternative to a  catheter for a continent male,

The MUDS objective is to provide a male urinary system for a continent male to use in virtually any position regardless of restrictive appliances or physical deficits without significant leakage or spilling during or after use.

Front-line alternative before inserting a Foley catheter in a continent male exclusively available from MUDS LLC

Risks associated with inserting a foley catheter

One of the many reasons to avoid inserting a foley catheter in a continent male is the risk of trauma.  Insertion of a foley catheter is painful and has the associated risk of causing injury to the urethra or prostate.

There is a high probability of bleeding when the catheter is traumatically removed with the bulb intact.  For example:  If the patient is getting out of bed, ambulating, or misjudges the length of the tubing when hurriedly getting out of bed to go to the bathroom for a bowel movement the catheter could accidentally be tugged and traumatically pulled out.

When injury occurs, treatment may include:  reinsertion of the foley, bladder irrigation, blood transfusion, or a increased hospital stay with increased acuity of care.  Traumatic injuries related to urethral catheters  can lead to shock and potential long term consequences as a result of the injury.

Try other alternatives to a catheter in continent males before inserting a foley catheter.

Try a MUDS as a great alternative.

Alternative to a sheath urinal for a continent male

A sheath urinal



is designed to be worn continuously and has its place for incontinent males.  However they are uncomfortable, the tubing frequently kinks limiting drainage into the drainage bag , and they require that the male have enough length to apply it.   They have their place for incontinent males to help decrease the need for other incontinent supplies such as diapers.

A MUDS is designed to be used intermittently at each urination episode, it does not support being worn continuously and requires continence (knowing when you need to urinate) or at least the ability to be bladder trained to urinate on command to avoid accidents.

Try a MUDS as your sheath urinal alternative.

How to use a MUDS to urinate into while lying flat on your back.

Males with urine trouble, such as inability to use  a male urinal due to the use of only one hand or restrictions in movement due to spinal injuries, can be more independent in urination with the use of the MUDS.  Here are some helpful hints to promote efficient use of the MUDS.

LYING FLAT ON YOUR BACK:   (Remember it is a gravity system) Slightly bend knee and place tubing under leg of choice. Place over penis with textured side up. Apply gentle pressure to groin area and press unit down gently into the scrotum. This will provide the appropriate angle for gravity drainage. The soft edge will not scratch or irritate. Do not leave tubing under leg for extended periods. It could cause pressure sores.

Spill proof urinal alternative

The MUDS has three primary features that work together to prevent spilling of urine and make it a spill proof urinal.

The primary feature is that urine does not stay in the MUDS receptacle. It drains in the container that holds up to 2500ml of urine.

The second feature is the design of the receptacle itself in that it is a chamber within a chamber. It works similar to a liquid laundry detergent cap by preventing the urine from flowing back out of the container once the urine is in it.

The third feature is the “drip lip” which prevents dribbles of urine from spilling back on to the male during or after use.

Try a MUDS for your spill proof urinal needs or as an alternative to a condom catheter for a continent male who cannot use a standard urinal.

How to attach the MUDS holder to a bed rail.

Video Demonstration

Choose the appropriate place to attach the holder.  Consider whether the user is left or right handed, which side would be most appropriate for safety, or give the most privacy.

 The holder has a 90 degree angle that seats over the bed rail.  Wrap the Velcro strap around the holder at the middle and around the bed rail, insert the end of the strap thru the buckle, pull the strap in the direction as if you were tightening a belt to insert the prong, (adjust the strap and the holder to provide the tightest and most secure hold) the strap should be velcroed in the opposite direction that it was inserted for the best hold.  See video demonstration.

There are also small holes on either side of the holder.  2 small screws could be inserted to secure to a bedside table or even the bedrail if you want a more permanent solution.   Video demonstration available at

Visit [email protected] for more information about this alternative to a male urinal.

Benefits of the MUDS

Finally, all of the desired features of a catheter without the catheter associated risk of infection or injury.

Increased independence for geriatric, bed/chair bound males
Safety intervention
Infection control intervention
Assist in compliance with OSHA/JCAHO regulations
Promotes cost effective use of nursing, housekeeping, laundry services, and supplies
Assists in decreasing the incidence of workman’s compensation claims

Try a MUDS today.

Why a MUDS?

The MUDS is specifically designed to be utilized at each urination episode for a continent or bladder trained male with all the non-invasive features of a catheter.  It is not a condom catheter and is not suitable for incontinent males unless they are bladder trained to urinate on command.

A male does not have to be handicapped or have challenges to use the MUDS.  Other potential users are truck drivers, hunters, pilots, fisherman, campers.  A healthy female would not have any difficulty using the MUDS in discreet places, such as in a tent or a RV.

Try a MUDS today.  Visit us at

New solution for urinating while boating

My daughter recently bought a pontoon boat.   She has 2 young boys that have to go when they need to go.  I have never been one for promoting urination in the lake.  Yea, I know the fish do, and other people do, and animals do.  But, it is just not the right thing to teach your children.

So, the pontoon boat happens to have a pop up changing room, and we  found that the MUDS was the perfect solution for male and female urination while out in the boat.

Give the MUDS a try for your male urination needs.


Urination solution for wheelchair bound males

Being wheelchair bound doesn’t mean that you are incontinent.  It may mean, simply, that you are unable to stand for any significant period of time in order to urinate into the toilet.

For wheel chair  bound males, it is great to carry on wheelchair and can be used without the container as a means of urinating directly into the toilet from the wheelchair.

To do this, simply disconnect the container from the tubing. Place the tubing and the device into a bag and hang on the whelchair. When urinating into the MUDS, direct the tubing just over the toilet, place the device over the penis and allow the urine to drain directly into the toilet instead of into the container.

With a MUDS you have increased independence in public or at home for your 

You are in control!

You are in control!

male urination needs.

Don’t take away my dignity!

Anyone who is placed in a diaper experiences feelings of frustration and depression due to the loss of what is sometimes their last bit of dignity.

My friends’ Dad had surgery on both of his knees.  He was unable to get out of bed by himself because everyone was afraid he would fall.  Frequently, it was just too much trouble, and time consuming, to get him out of bed just to urinate.  He received therapy with a machine that bent his knees and then straightened them kind of like riding a bicycle.  The therapy would last for several hours.  After a few attempts at using a urinal, with the only success being that the urine spilled back onto him, the nursing staff placed him in diapers.

You are in control!

You are in control!

He was so embarrassed and frustrated.  One of the last shreds of dignity for an aging man, and even that was taken away from him.  He participated poorly in all of his care and lost the will to get better.  My friend asked if I could help.  Her Dad successfully used a Male Urinary Drainage System and was out of diapers for the remainder of his stay in rehab.  He began participating in the recovery process and she stated that his whole attitude was much improved.

Try a MUDS.    You are in control!