Urinating Frequently? Here’s What Might Be Going On

Do you find yourself frequenting the bathroom more often than usual? You’re not alone. Frequent urination is a common problem, and can be caused by many different things. In this blog post, we will discuss the most common causes of frequent urination, and what you can do to solve the problem. Stay tuned for tips on how to make frequent trips to the bathroom a thing of the past!

What is frequent urination and what are the symptoms

frequent urination is an annoying condition that can make life pretty difficult. The frequent need to pee can disrupt your sleep, ruin your concentration, and make you feel like you’re always running to the bathroom. But what exactly is frequent urination? And what are the symptoms?

Frequent urination is defined as urinating more than eight times in a 24-hour period. This can be caused by a variety of things, including drinking too much fluids, a urinary tract infection, or even pregnancy. Symptoms of frequent urination include feeling the urge to urinate even when there is no need, waking up multiple times at night to urinate, and feeling pain or burning when urinating.

If you’re experiencing frequent urination, it’s important to see a doctor to rule out any underlying medical conditions. In the meantime, there are a few things you can do to help ease the symptoms. Try cutting back on fluids before bedtime, and empty your bladder before going to sleep.Avoiding caffeine and alcohol can also help, as both of these substances can irritate the bladder and cause frequent urination. With proper medical treatment and some lifestyle changes, frequent urination can be managed and doesn’t have to take over your life.

What causes frequent urination

Have you ever been in the middle of a movie when you suddenly have to go to the bathroom? Or been on a long car ride when you can’t hold it any longer? If so, then you know how annoying frequent urination can be. But what actually causes this frequent urge to hit the toilet? Well, there are a few things that can contribute. For one, drinking lots of fluids – especially caffeine or alcohol – can increase urine production. And if you have an infection, your body may be trying to flush out the bacteria by making you urinate more frequently. Whatever the cause, frequent urination is definitely not fun. So next time you find yourself needing to go again and again, just remember that you’re not alone.

Don’t Be Embarrassed of a Urinary Drainage System

It is safe to say that our culture is obsessed with youth. Being young is tied to being gorgeous, being healthy, and being at the peak of your life. Whether you are thinking about teenagers in high school or people dancing the night away at clubs in their twenties, being young or being as close to young as possible is something that people envy and strive for. The thing that people seem to forget is that age is inevitable. There is literally nothing we can do about it. No matter how much money you pour into your skin care and plastic surgery, or the number of reps you do at the gym, or the best organic and cultivated food you pay thousands of dollars for, you will still age every minute of every day. There is so much work that goes into trying to look young, feel young, and perform like you are young. There is definitely something admirable about people that are able to perform like they are young and look young. The work it usually takes to do this is insane – People eat very nutritious food and they are mindful of their portion sizes, and they work out religiously. There is nothing that sways them from keeping to their routine and making sure they are doing nothing but filling their bodies with the best stuff or making sure their muscles and bodily health is constantly at tip top shape. However, when time eventually takes us and diseases and illnesses settle in, our bodies start to break down and lose function. Eventually, these high performing humans are going to have to deal with a urinary drainage system at least.

There is nothing to be embarrassed about not having overall function of your bladder. Think about it – in the old days, people would just be going to the bathroom all over the place or having to stay in bed to deal with the mess.

Getting an urinary drainage system is not so bad because technology and innovation have made an impact on the medical community for the better. You can still live your life and do all the things that make you feel young.

What is Male Urinary Incontinence?

Male urinary devices are used for men who have urinary incontinence. Urinary incontinence is a loss of bladder control, and it is prevalent in older men. The severity ranges from mild to strong. Mild is when there is an occasional urine leak after coughing and sneezing, and strong is having an uncontrollable urge to urinate but not being able to hold it until you get to the bathroom. Urinary incontinence is not an ailment that only happens as you age, although, as mentioned earlier, mostly older men struggle with it. Male urinary incontinence happens for various reasons such as stress, underlying medical causes, or physical problems. It is merely a symptom of a more pressing health matter. If you feel like you cannot control your bladder, and it has become a frequent occurrence, speak to your health care provider. It may be an embarrassing problem to discuss but discussing it will put your mind at ease.

There are some male urinary devices used for incontinence that are extremely handy. These include an external catheter and condom. Male urinary devices consist of reusable and disposable products that are designed for day time use. It means that you don’t have to worry about sitting or walking around with them. Male urinary devices don’t cure or treat incontinence and other urinary related conditions but make your life easier. Some are specifically designed for nighttime use, where lying down doesn’t affect the drainage system.

There are certain complications to avoid when using male urinary devices. You must wash your penis and hands. Allow your penis to dry completely before using the male urinary device. Ensure you are using the right size of the male device; otherwise, there could be a risk of leakage. There is a chance of irritation, so if you have sensitive skin, use a non-adhesive male urinary device. Instead, use an inflatable ring that will keep the device in place. When using a condom, use the non-latex one to avoid any allergies and irritation from it. Keep an eye out for any open sores on the skin. To avoid the backflow of the urine, keep the bag lower than the bladder. If you experience any pain removing male urinary devices, hold a damp washcloth around your penis to loosen the adhesive and slowly remove the devices.

Handle Frequent Urination with a Revolutionary New System

When it comes to leading a happy, fulfilling life, many of us believe that being independent is crucial. Being able to do everything from moving about your home freely to preparing your own meals to traveling and going to work without assistance is an important part of feeling like you are living your best life. If injury or illness is making it difficult to maintain your independence, though, there are many different kinds of mobility aids and resources out there to help you maintain the lifestyle you love. If frequent urination or urinary incontinence are issues that keep you homebound or interfere with your independence, you need to know more about MUDS!

There are so many different conditions that can cause men to suffer from frequent urination. The bladder is a sensitive organ that can be affected by all kinds of things, from infection to disease to injury to simple irritation. These kinds of circumstances can lead you to needing to urinate at inconvenient times. If you have limited mobility, an urgent need to urinate at home can be a problem. At night, when getting in and out of bed is difficult, or if your bathroom is occupied by another family member. When you are outside your home, the urge to urinate can strike anywhere and a convenient bathroom may not be available. In any of these situations, when you have access to privacy but not a bathroom, having a convenient way to take care of business without help is going to improve your independence.

MUDS is a system that is designed especially for men! This device takes into consideration all of your needs while also compensating for limited mobility. As long as you have privacy, the Male Urinary Drainage System takes care of the rest, ensuring that you can relieve yourself without a mess and without help. This system is compact and easy to use, meaning you can take it anywhere you go or store it conveniently at your bedside or wherever its needed. The system is designed to be used by nearly anyone, helping out men that might have difficulty using a traditional urinal while on the go. MUDS helps men that have trouble with shaking hands, may only have the easy use of one hand or have a hard time seeing. If you are determined to be independent in your lifestyle, this system is exactly what you need.

A Spill-Proof Urinal Men Makes Travel Easier

There is nothing better than travel! As the weather gets warm and the skies clear, many of us feel the call of the open road. Whether you are taking a quick trip to a favorite local destination or heading out for a multi-day trip, there is nothing quite like getting packed up, getting in the car and heading out. If there is an injury or illness that makes getting around harder, you might need to bring along a wheelchair, cane or other mobility aid with you. You and your loved ones can create the perfect trip to accommodate any deficits you might have in mobility, but it’s often possible to make the most of your abilities to design a trip that everyone can enjoy together. In addition to any medication, mobility aids and other medical devices that make life easier, it’s important to consider the best way to use the restroom while you are on the go. A spill-proof urinal men is key to making sure that you can enjoy your trip.

There are many reasons that a spill proof urinal men might be helpful. If you are recovering from an injury or illness, or if getting up and down just isn’t as easy as it used to be, a urinal that you can use in the car is perfect for avoiding a rest stop every few miles. A great urinal system is one that is drip-free, meaning that you don’t have to worry about any kind of cleanup while you are on the road; it’s just as safe as using the urinal in a bathroom. In a system like MUDS, the Male Urinary Drainage System, you can count on the drip lip to prevent backflow, which is ideal for intermittent urinating. A drainage system that can be set on the floor is going to convenient to use, too, and can be emptied the next time you get to a toilet.

While you are on a trip, the last thing you want to be bothered with is worrying about the next bathroom stop. A great travel urinal system is a must for anyone who needs to urinate frequently, that has a hard time getting to the bathroom easily, that has limited hand dexterity or shaking or that has a hard time seeing. Take control of your life and enjoy your next trip with the perfect mobile urinal system!

Where To Find New Catheters.

Are you concerned with catheter associated urinary tract infections? Many are and they are looking for a great new method of using a catheter or one that is less painful and doesn’t cause as many urinary tract infections. It’s summertime so you want to make sure that you are ready to get out and spend time with the family and be able to do so with few restrictions. Thank you for stopping by the blog today. We are here to help you find a store that can provide you with the best in modern catheters and accessories and the best out there available come from Muds LLC. They have a unique product that is suitable for what you need and you will be very happy that you made the switch. This is the best time of the year because of all the great weather. You don’t need to do any shopping in person because you get their great products delivered right to your door.

to save time and money on your search, you should follow the link above to find that great site Muds LLC. They have a great modern website that is laid out very well so you can find everything that you need quickly and be on about your day. You keep an active schedule and being able to get what you need quickly is important to you, that is why the blog suggests using this site. Be sure to signup for their mailing list and newsletter too, this will keep you informed about the newest products and make sure that you know about any and all of the sales or promotions that they might be running. This is another way to keep up with sales and to save time. No need to going shopping in real life or worry with ugly sites that are hard to order from. There is a wealth of information about catheters and their uses there as well and you will come away smarter after visiting.

It is such a pleasure to serve you we hope that you were able to find what you were looking for. Thanks for stopping by and for reading. If you end up using the Muds catheter or one of their accessories and items, be sure to let us know here at the blog, we love to get feedback and hear your stories.

The Best Bedside Urinal for Your Recovery

Sustaining an injury comes with a whole host of lasting repercussions, no matter your health or age. These repercussions can seem even greater if your injury causes you to be on extended bed rest. As you recuperate, it can feel like the time that you are spending in bed lasts forever. As friends and family stop by to visit and you stay up to date on the latest in your loved ones’ lives, it can help to remind yourself of the life that you can return to once your injury is healed and you are cleared to start getting back into your usual routine. But while you are on bed rest, it’s important to consider what you can do to make sure that you feel your best on a daily basis. By continuing to eat a healthy diet, taking whatever exercise your doctor approves and keeping your mind active, the time will pass quickly. When it comes to healthy bodily functions, a good-quality bedside urinal is going to be essential for a positive frame of mind and a healthy body.

If you are frustrated by the quality and ease of use of your current bedside urinal, you are not alone. The Male Urinary Drainage System was created as an alternative to annoyingly ineffective urinal systems for people in your situation. The best urinal for your bedside is going to be easy to use at any angle while you are resting in bed, giving you maximum freedom of movement so that using the urinal is not an inconvenience no matter how you are laying down or sitting. When you are considering the best possible system for yourself or for someone that you love that is on bed rest, usability is hugely important when someone is recovering from an injury that shouldn’t be jostled or disturbed.

The best urinal is also going to be sanitary to use. Backflow can be an annoying and messy issue in many substandard urinals, so it’s important to invest in an option that addresses the issue effectively. A great system is going to be able to be hung from any kind of support that you have handy, like the bed frame, a close-by chair or wheelchair. Investing in a quality urinal system when you are on bed rest is going to ensure that you feel your best while you recover, ensuring that you can focus on recuperation without any of the annoyances.

Got Urinary Problems? Here’s What You Need to Know

As men age, something as simple as urination can become a little complicated. In most cases, urinary problems are caused after prostate surgery. These men are left vulnerable to urinary leakage when they sneeze, cough, or even stand up from a chair. In other cases, the male bladder may seem a little impatient since it suddenly demands a visit to the bathroom. Of course, urinary problems can be treated, and many doctors suggest possible medications and helpful strategies to cure them. However, the first step any man can take is to assess what triggers their difficulty.

All urinary problems signify an involuntary or accidental flow of urine from the bladder. Some cases might even involve minor ‘dribbling.’ As men age, the most common urinary problems include stress incontinence and urge incontinence. The latter is usually caused due to an involuntary contraction in an individual’s bladder muscles, leading to an overactive bladder. Sometimes, this occurs due to a long-term blockage caused by an enlarged prostate. As a result, the individual may feel an urge to urinate but will begin discharging urine before they can make it to the bathroom. On the other hand, stress incontinence signifies a discharge of urine whenever an individual sneezes, coughs, lifts a heavy object, or exerts himself in any other way. Most men suffer from stress incontinence due to problems in their sphincters or rings of muscles that contract to seal off their bladder. If these muscles are damaged or weak, then any bodily exertions may cause a leakage.

These common urinary problems and others can be easily treated with some lifestyle changes and strategies. For instance, these men can avoid beverage triggers because, in some cases, their bladders become sensitive to a particular type of beverage. Therefore, the obvious solution will be to drink less of whatever seems to be causing the problem, whether it is soft drinks, tea, coffee, or alcohol. Moreover, men suffering from urinary problems can also try going on a schedule to take some of the pressure off other times of the day. Typical schedules could include men urinating after every 2 to 4 hours. Some doctors also recommend that these individuals tighten up their pelvic floor muscles with the help of Kegel exercises. Of course, if you’re too old to do Kegel exercises or if your condition limits you to do this, you can always opt for medical devices that let you relieve yourself without having to visit the bathroom.

Who Uses a Spill Proof Urinal Bag?

Almost anyone with a demanding job, that’s who. People who participate in recreation can benefit from one as well. Hunters, fishermen and campers can benefit from using a spill proof urinal bag in addition to pilots and truck drivers too. Those that don’t have the time to pull over and stop at different times. Welcome and thank you for stopping by the blog and welcome. Some think that urinal bags are only for those that are bed ridden or otherwise disabled but many professionals can benefit from them. In this edition of the blog we will talk about the people that can make good use of or need a spill proof urinal bag. We hope that you find something useful and something that you can apply. Urinal bags are a great way to make sure that you don’t leak while using the bathroom. Truck drivers can install them so they can cover more road. Other occupations and professions that require someone sit in one spot for hours on end can use this. Just use your imagination about your job and decide if you need an option like this.

Pilots can be required to fly for long periods of time without relieving themselves. The same is true for truck drivers. They have to drive from town to town and want to save time on stopping so they can use these. Hunters have to stay in their tree stands or their hunting blinds for long periods of time while they hunt their prey. They can’t leave from these spots for long periods. People that camp can find use for these as well. The amounts of people that can benefit from products like this are vast and there are many options many people don’t think of. If you need proof, you should do a Google search for your profession and urinal bag. You may be surprised that someone in your industry is actually using one. This is ideal for people that may be partially disabled or spend a lot of their time in bed for health reasons. There is no reason to be ashamed or to be embarrassed about usage of these either. They are perfectly natural.

Thank you for stopping by the blog and thank you for reading. Please let us know if you have any questions, we love to hear from our readers and clients.

How to Set Up a Sheath Urinal

There are many complications that can arise from injury and illness. If you are recovering from an injury or adjusting your lifestyle to meet your new requirements after an operation, you will discover many useful tools and implements that will help you to be self-sufficient and independent through much of your daily routine. Luckily for you, new and amazing inventions are always being created to help you live the lifestyle that you like best. When it comes to using the bathroom, you might be required to figure out the best way to relieve yourself with limited or restricted movement. Being able to only use one hand, having muscle tremors or weakness or having to deal with casts and braces can all impact your ability to safely and easily get to and from the bathroom. MUDS, the mail urinary drainage system, solves many of the problems you may be encountering. This sheath urinal is non-invasive and today we will talk about how to best set up the system to use it on a regular basis.

This gravity-drainage system is designed to be used anywhere you need it, whether that’s laying on your back, sitting up independently, standing or sitting in a wheelchair. When it comes to setup, you are going to be the best judge of how much of the hose is needed. We recommend starting with 3 feet of hose while lying down or 2 feet while sitting. If you are standing, use the amount that you need to easily and safely position the reservoir or to position the end of the tube over the urinal or toilet. Remember as you are using the device that it uses gravity in order to work and make sure that you position the tubing and container appropriately.

MUDS has been specially designed to be useful to a huge range of men that are searching for the perfect solution to their sanitary needs while still being independent. By including orientation textured surface, we have ensured that perfect visibility isn’t necessary, helping you to maintain your privacy while you relieve yourself. The holder for the system is perfect for placing or attaching it safely out of the way of your nightstand, walkway and bed for maximum versatility. This sheath urinal is meant to help reduce the chances of infection. Is MUDS right for your lifestyle?

Innovative anti reflux system; the urinary drainage system

The urinary drainage system is a unique designed spout that does not require a lid and prevents spills and leaks once urine is in the storage container. The proof caps prevent any intentional opening. The container is featured with volume indicator and usually can hold up 4 to 5 cups of liquid at a time.

The urinary drainage system is equipped with an anti-reflux system that prevents spills, even if the urinal rolls over in bed. The stain resistant plastic lets you see when emptying is needed. The bottle composition is made of stain resistant plastic that remains clear even after long period of use, helps reduce odor problems and it is easy to clean by using soap and water or disinfecting it by water and chlorine.

It is very convenient, comfortable and easy to use. It can be great product for hygiene and sanitation reasons. Works best when used in a sitting position and even when lying in bed. It can be used in emergency situation or whenever and wherever you are. It is available in women’s or men’s, regular or clear styles and models. Due to sanitary purpose this product cannot be returned.

No Need For A Condom Catheter Thanks To My New Solution

There is an alternative for those suffering from excessive urination or those who have just had surgery or who have limited mobility or anything else that makes it hard to get to the bathroom in time. I have found a great alternative that keeps me comfortable and enjoying life. It is a urinary drainage system that was made just for men.

With my system, I don’t have to worry about meeting my daily needs despite my limited mobility. The system is neither a diaper nor a condom catheter, and it works well for me. No more invasive devices and pain and discomfort. I never would have thought that such a great solution could exist for those like myself who need a little help.

Thanks to the male urinary drainage system, I can enjoy living my life and not constantly worrying about how I am going to get to the bathroom. The system was easy to figure out how to use and it allows me to not let my limited mobility hold me back. No more dealing with messy or uncomfortable solutions now that I have the drainage system. The system doesn’t let odors out and it is easy to clean as well.

There Are Excellent Options When It Comes To Male Urinary Devices

My mom is a doctor and she has been for quite some time. She loves what she does and it is definitely nice to have a mom who is a doctor. She can give me my physical exam and other exams without me having to go see another doctor. She is an OBGYN doctor and she delivers babies and she performs surgeries as well.

I really hope that I will get to have my mom deliver my babies. That would be awesome, I am planning on having kids sometime soon and it would be nice to not have to see a stranger. I have learned so much from my mom over the years about health care and about treating and helping people with all kinds of issues that may come up.

We have had some relatives need to use male urinary devices and I have learned some great things about them from my mom. They are a great alternative to other devices that are invasive or just gross to use. The are some great urinary devices that are hassle-free, non-invasive, and that are easy to use without the odors and the mess. They are great not only for using at home or in a care facility, they are nice for using when camping or even in traffic.

A Spill Proof Urinal Men Is A Godsend For Taking Great Care Of My Dad

My dad has been such an inspiring example to me throughout my whole life. He has accomplished so many amazing things and it is so awesome to learn from him and to be encouraged by him. His commitment and drive is relentless and I have learned to never give up on my goals from him and to keep trying and trying again when something doesn’t work out the first time.

Now that my dad is in older age, he has had some health issues that have made it really hard for him to get out of bed to use the bathroom. I was worried for him for a long time, wondering what I could do to help him out. He doesn’t need to use a catheter, but he needed something that would allow him to go without struggling to get up and walk to the bathroom.

The perfect solution that I found for my dad is a spill proof urinal men. This urinal has been a godsend and it allows my dad to not worry about the discomfort of a catheter, yet be able to have the comfort and convenience he needs. No more stressing out about my dad thanks to this product! It is nice to have the urinal and to enjoy peace of mind for everyone.

A Bedside Urinal Is Helping My Grandpa As He Recovers From His Stroke

My grandpa has been at home in bed recovering for a little while now, after he had a stroke. He just turned 90 years old earlier this year and he was in really good health and now had a minor stroke, which luckily wasn’t too bad and didn’t leave him with any permanent damage. It is amazing that he is still living in his own apartment with his wife at 90.

At that age, any kind of health issue that comes up leaves you off your feet for a little while. As my grandpa has been recovering from his stroke, he hasn’t been able to get to the bathroom easily and even the simplest tasks have become really hard for him to do. Luckily, I got a urinal for him online that has been perfect to have bedside.

The bedside urinal that my grandpa has been using is comfortable and easy to use and there is no mess and no odors. It has been such a huge helping hand for him to use the urinal and he loves that it saves him extra stress and hassle. The urinal is not invasive and it is a great solution. It was also very affordable as well.

Urinary Problems Are No More Since My Surgery

It has been hard for me to get up and go to the bathroom since I have been recovering from a surgery. I have been in bed most of the day, every day, as I have been recovering from hernia surgery and it is a hard recovery in my older age. I had two hernias in my abdominal area and they made two long incisions to fix the hernias.

Finding some great solutions to help me as I recover from my surgery has been a big help. Going to the bathroom has been one of the most difficult things for me to do. I no longer have to worry about that now that I have a great male urinary drainage system. It allows me to not have to get up out of bed to go and it is very convenient.

The system has really helped me out with my urinary problems since the surgery. The system has been awesome for giving me the kind of comfort and convenience that I need so that I can focus on my recovery. It has been nice to have the urinary drainage system to ensure that I can live each day without causing myself extra issues.

A Male Urinary Drainage System Is Great For Outdoor Journeys

I have been doing a lot of hiking and backpacking and going on some really challenging adventures. I got a lot more into it ever since moving out here, to an area with the mountains and the water all around me. It has been awesome to live here and to enjoy doing some fun outdoor adventures every weekend, like camping and paddle boarding.

It is so much fun to be refreshed by the beauty of nature, and I really like to challenge myself outdoors. I can get out and do a grueling hike and make it to the top of a high mountain peak. I like to do these kinds of challenges with my dad or with my friends who are up for the challenges. It feels so good to get to the top and to look down and it is unbelievable to think you climbed all this way.

With my male urinary drainage system, I can have some added convenience during my crazy hikes. The system is not complicated and I can easily have it with me in my backpack. Since the tops of mountains are usually wildlife areas and you aren’t allowed to relieve yourself and leave the waste there, the drainage system is perfect. I can easily go, without disturbing the area around me.

A Spill Proof Urinal Bag Is Perfect During Heavy Traffic

I am someone who has always had to go pretty frequently. It was a pretty big problem when I was little, but it is something that has been a lot easier to manage as an adult, especially when I have some great products like a spill proof urinal bag. The one that I got online has been ideal for me and it has made my life much easier.

I need to go often even when I don’t drink a lot of water, and that can be bad in this area, when I can be stuck in traffic for as many as two hours. There have been many occasions when I was stuck in traffic for an extended period of time. One time, I was going to my friend’s place and he lives in downtown Seattle. There happened to be a big football game just getting out and traffic was horrible. It took hours and hours to get to his place and it was a nightmare to say the least.

I normally use the restroom before leaving to drive somewhere, but when I get stuck in traffic, I can easily get caught needing to go really badly and having nowhere to go. Luckily, I found a great spill proof urinal bag online that has been ideal for me. This bag comes in really handy when I am stuck in traffic, like when there has been an accident on the road or a stall or there is a big game nearby.

A Sheath Urinal Gives Me The Freedom To Explore

I have been finding some great solutions when it comes to having to go, like my new sheath urinal. The urinal has been nice for giving me some awesome convenience in my life. I am retired and I love to go out and to explore. I don’t have to worry about my active bladder holding me back, now that I have a great urinal that I can use.

The urinal has been working well for going hiking, camping, kayaking, and all kinds of extended outdoor adventures. I don’t have to worry about there being a bathroom nearby or about anything like that with the urinal. The urinal has been great for giving me the freedom to do anything that I want to do. I can enjoy life without having to take breaks to go.

The sheath urinal is comfortable for me to wear and it has been an awesome solution for me. The urinal is ideal for using when I am out in nature or on long drives, and the like. I no longer have to find a bush to disappear behind or to worry about public urination in general. The urinal allows me to go safety and conveniently anytime that I need to.

Backpacking Goes Smoother With A Portable Urinary Device

Doing some backpacking is always really fun and exciting but it can be tough to not have the conveniences that I am used to in my daily life. I love to explore and to go on some enriching backpacking outings in the wilderness. It is fun to do some backpacking and to enjoy that time spent in nature, away from schedules and deadlines.

My dad and I love to have some quality bonding time and to do some backpacking together. We are always up for a new backpacking adventure, whether we are hiking to the peak of a tall mountain or we are wanting to hike up to a mountain lake. There are usually some strict rules at the campsites so that we don’t disturb the natural environment.

Having a good portable urinary device has been awesome for our outings. The one that we have been using ensures that we can safely relieve ourselves and not worry about any spills or odors or mess. We can have our waste in a safe place so that we are not harming the natural mountain environment and the species that are up there. The device has been awesome to use for our backpacking adventures.

A Portable Urinal Is Working Well For Me After Surgery

I had knee surgery recently on both of my knees and it has been very hard for me to get around and to use the bathroom and do other simple things like that. Finding some helpful products for my daily living needs has really been a lifesaver for me. I don’t know what I would do without the products I have been finding like my portable urinal.

The male urinary drainage system that I have been using has been working really well for me. The system has made it so much easier for me to do the simple tasks that used to be simple but now are quite complicated. The drainage system is safe and there are no odors. The system is great and I can easily use it independently.

With the portable urinal, I have been enjoying a lot of added convenience in my daily life. The urinal has been awesome for giving me the kind of support that I need. It is a great urinal to use on a regular basis and I love that it is pain-free and a nice alternative to other kinds of systems. The urinal is just what I was needing and it has been ideal for my needs.

Avoiding Nosocomial Infections With A Urinary Drainage System

I have been dealing with some health issues and it has been nice to find some great health care supplies that I can use at home without dealing with the risks associated at hospitals. It is nice to find some great supplies like the urinary drainage system that I have been using that is especially made for men. The system allows me to have the convenience I need in the comfort of my home while I recover from a recent procedure.

I am in bed most of the day at my house and I need to use the urinary drainage system. The system that I got is easy to keep by my bedside and it allows me to recover from the comfort and safety of my own home. I don’t have to worry about the expenses of being in a hospital and about the health risks associated with being around sick people.

With my urinary drainage system, I can have all of the convenience that I need at home and avoid nosocomial infections that can be deadly at my older age. It is nice to be able to heal and recover from the comfort of my home. My drainage system is easy for me to use without any help and it is a great non-invasive alternative.

Urinary Bags Help My Grandpa Be Independent

My grandpa is in his eighties and he is full of life and energy and is an inspiration to everyone around him. However, in his older age his has a lot of health issues. He likes to live independently with his wife however, who is about the same age as he is. They live in an apartment on their own and they have been doing fine that way for many years now.

Our family used to worry about our grandparents’ health and about them living on their own. However, they are much happier living on their own and they have found some great supplies over the years that have made their lives so much easier. These supplies include some great drainage bags of the urinary kind that my grandpa has been using.

With some nice urinary bags like the ones that my grandpa has, my grandpa doesn’t have to always get up and go to the bathroom. He has trouble getting up to use the bathroom and the bags allow him to stay put. He doesn’t have to risk falling on his way to the bathroom or anything else happening. The bags are safe to use and they are sanitary and a convenient option.

Urinating Frequently No Longer Disrupts My Life

I have always had a problem with needing to go to the bathroom frequently, and it got to be hard to be able to keep up with my daily tasks with this problem. Now that I am in older age, I really used to struggle with frequent urination disrupting my life and it got to be a much worse problem the older that I got. Luckily, I have found a great solution.

The solution that I have found has been a lifesaver as far as giving me an easy and sanitary way to go when I need to. The urinary drainage system that I got has been working out really well for me and it is easy and it works without any spillage. This system is just what I was looking for and I am so glad that I discovered it online.

Urinating frequently is no longer such a hassle for me, now that I have been using a great male urinary drainage system. This system is perfect for ensuring that I can safely go without risking infection and without needing someone to care for me or help me. I can easily have some great mobility with this system, and it is just what I was looking for.

Urinary Drainage Bags Work Well For Backpacking Trips

I spend a lot of time in the wilderness, and it is important for me to make sure that we have a comfortable and enjoyable time every time that we go out. I like to do some hard-core hiking and backpacking, and it is always nice to be able to do some of these journeys with my dad or with some of my friends who are just as passionate about the outdoors.

I like to do some epic backpacking trips and to go on journeys that are many miles long. I like to hike up to the peaks of some tall mountains or to hike up to some mountain lakes or to some pretty waterfalls. There are so many amazing hikes out there for us to do and we love to do them all the time. We like to be well-prepared for each and every journey as well.

It is nice to be well-prepared for taking on the wilderness with some supplies like the urinary drainage bags that we like to use. These bags are perfect for the wilderness environments that will be harmed if we go to the bathroom outside. We like to use these bags as a safe way to go to the bathroom and to stay clean on the hikes.

Urinary Frequency Is No Longer An Issue For Me On Trips

I have always had problems with having to go to the bathroom frequently and it got to be a real headache for me over the years. When I was a little kid, I remember going on class field trips and doing some sight-seeing and visiting museums. I would often need to go to the bathroom often but there wasn’t one nearby and I couldn’t go during the tour. It got to be really hard to have to hold it every time and it was so painful that I couldn’t even listen to the tour guide or enjoy what we were seeing.

My frequency of urination has been a problem for me all my life and it still can get hard to not have a bathroom nearby when I am on vacation and when I am on any kind of a trip. I like to go to exotic islands and to do some jungle tours or to do some tours when I am in a nearby city. It is nice to have my urination problem solved with my new solution.

Now that I have a great male urinary drainage system to use, my urinary frequency is no longer an issue for me. This system is portable and I can easily get the relief that I need with it. The drainage system is easy to use discreetly and I now take it with me anytime that I go on vacation or go on a day trip or a backpacking trip.

A Bedside Urinal For Men Is A Hassle-Free Solution

I have been struggling with some health issues lately and I have been needing some good bedside supplies to ensure that I can stay comfortable and have everything that I need for the day. I used to struggle to have to get up and go to the bathroom because of my health issues and now I no longer have to worry about that.

A great bedside urinal was recommended to me and it has been the perfect solution to ensure that I no longer have to strain my body. The urinal is a great way for me to have the convenience that I need to have on a regular basis. The urinal is just what I was looking for and I am so glad that I found it for my daily needs.

My bedside urinal for men is easy to hang on my bed frame or even just to put on the floor. The urinal is mess and odor-free and I love using it and that is saves me so much time and so much hassle. I am so glad that I decided to take some really good advice and to start using this urinal. It helps me so much out and I can use it with one hand.

A Urinary Drainage System is Easier to Use then Plastic Male Urinals

old manWhen a man is confined to a bed do to illness or injury, the nurses and doctors will often recommend different items that can be used to make sure that the man can urinate by himself and have control of this function still. It is so easy to be able to find different kinds of items that can work for this just because men are able to have more control over the direction of where they urinate.

One of the common solutions for urination whilst bedridden, is to give a man some kind of plastic urinal to use. Many of these plastic male urinals are items that are far too easy to spill or items that will fill up too quickly leading to spills. These are not ideal items because of the problem of them spilling, leaking, or filling before someone gets a chance to empty them.

Many people find that a urinary drainage system is one of the best solutions for a bedridden man to use since this system prevents the leaks and the spills that other systems can’t prevent. This makes this system perfect for keeping a man far more comfortable while bedridden. Finding something that really works is always better than struggling with something that doesn’t.

A Male Condom Catheter Isn’t Your Only Option

Oftentimes when people are confined to a bed, doctors try different things to make it so that you are still able to urinate in a way that is sanitary and prevents the spread of disease. Unfortunately, many of the different solutions that are out there for men are ones that can be a bit difficult to work with. Men often struggle when using bedside urinals and suffer when having catheters inserted.

Even some of the more innovative solutions like a male condom catheter can cause infections that harm a person further rather than helping them on their road to recovery. Being able to pick out the items that will really make a difference for any individual that you are working with is extremely important. In some cases, it may be best to look further than the different kinds of medical options that are readily available to you.

For men who are confined to bed, a male urinary drainage system can be an easy and sanitary method for allowing urination. A man can use this system from a slightly inclined position even when they have very limited ability for movement. Something like this may be right for men who are dealing with an injury or long term illness.

Male Urinary Problems On Camping Trips Are No More With A Great Device

Going camping is something that my family and I love to do to be able to get away from our everyday stresses and to enjoy some quality time out in nature. We like to get out into really remote areas where we can just be surrounded by the beauty of nature and not by the hustle and bustle of busy city life. It is so nice for us all to get together.

We don’t get to see our kids very often, so it is great when we can spend some quality time with our kids while camping. They live across the country from us and it is hard for us to fly and see each other so our camping trips are some of the few times when we get to get together. With my frequent urination, being out in the wilderness can be tough for me.

I have been struggling with male urinary problems pretty much all my life and I found a great solution to my struggles recently with a handy device. This urinary drainage unit allows me to go in the tent without any problems and then empty my container when we get to a restroom. I love that I no longer have to walk really far or drive somewhere to go.

A Catheter Alternative Is A Great Way To Deal With Being Stuck In Traffic

I have been having some bladder problems recently and the result is I have to go to the bathroom pretty frequently. This has been a concern for me and it has interfered with my daily life as well. I live in the Seattle area and we have some of the worst after-work traffic, not to mention some bad morning traffic as well.

Being stuck in traffic is something that I wasn’t used to before, as I moved here from Iowa and did not have any traffic problems there except for some minor ones. Living in this area has made me realize that I need to be prepared for sitting in the car for long periods of time. I can really feel stuck sometimes, especially when there is an accident and a huge back-up.

I would always worry and even have panic attacks on occasion because of getting stuck in traffic for hours sometimes. Now that I found a great catheter alternative, I no longer have to be stuck needing to go to the bathroom and having no way to go. This alternative solution has given me so much peace of mind and I love having it with me in the car for emergencies.

A Male Urinary Drainage System Gives Priceless Convenience For My Grandfather

muds2My grandfather has been having a lot of problems with incontinence and he has found a great solution and that is a urinary drainage system that has been working really well for him. The system is just what he was looking for so that he can enjoy the time that he has with his family without having problems with going to the bathroom.

The system has been such a lifesaver for my grandpa. It is discreet and it helps him to have some extra convenience with all of the health issues that he has been having lately. I love that the system gives him a good alternative to something that is invasive or to a urinal or catheter. The system is clean and sanitary and easy to use.
Everyone has been much happier ever since my grandpa got the male urinary drainage system. The system has worked really well for him and has given him a great way to deal with his incontinence problems. The system works well with his wheelchair and it can also be used with his bed frame. It is a great system for my grandpa to use and he enjoys the convenience that is gives him, which is priceless.

Nosocomial Infections Can Be Avoided With The Right Home Medical Equipment

heartbeat redBeing in the hospital can lead to a lot of bad things happening. My parents are getting old and I want them to avoid being in the hospital as much as possible. My dad suffers from incontinence and he also suffers from several illnesses which have led him to be in the hospital for long periods of time. We were very happy when we found the equipment that he can use at home and stay out of the hospital.

Infections that are obtained in the hospital are fairly common. These are nosocomial infections and they can be acquired in any healthcare facility as well. With my dad’s state of health the way that it is, he has to be very careful when he is in the hospital and I do worry about him a lot. I don’t want him to catch anything that could make things worse.

Getting infections is a fact of life but we don’t have to worry about a nosocomial infection with my dad’s urinary drainage system and the other supplies that he has for home use. He can comfortably be in bed at home and not worry about invasive treatments or other remedies that he is not happy with. He loves using his drainage system and other supplies and they keep him comfortable and happy at home.

A Portable Urinal Helps My Grandpa Who Has Limited Vision

maleMy grandpa is getting pretty old and he has had a lot of problems with his health lately. His main problem is his vision. He has very poor sight and he is close to going blind. This makes everyday tasks much harder for my grandpa than they are for most people. He would get very frustrated when things that should be enjoyable became difficult.

My grandpa has a lot of handy supplies that make things a lot easier for him. He likes to use items that help him with taking care of himself. He has difficulty doing things like going to the bathroom or taking a shower, but he has a much better time thanks to the helpful devices that he has.

One of the helpful tools that my grandpa uses is a portable urinal. This urinal is easy for him to use and is made in such a way that it doesn’t let odors come into the room. The urinal is not invasive like other equipment is and it’s a great solution for his difficulties. I love that he has a lot more self-esteem and avoids pain with this urinal. I am so glad that my grandpa has this urinal that he can use easily every day.

Male urinal that allows multiple uses before emptying without spilling

With the MUDS, urine quickly drains from the urine receptacle, through the flexible tube, into a 3-liter collection container, leaving the urine receptacle empty and ready for the next use. This allows the individual to have access to an empty urinal throughout the night without ever having to get out of bed. This will reduce falls, caregiver workload and strain, limit odor and spills.   This product saves time and money while promoting dignity and independence.

For those who are continent of bladder, wheelchair bound, home bound or require assistance with toileting, the MUDS is a must have. The urinal system is quicker to use than negotiating difficult or smaller bathrooms or when assistance isn’t readily available. The ease of use of the urinal ensures decreased accidents and more independence for the user. The containerMale urination problems is easy to empty when needed.

Testimonial for the male urinary drainage system

Male urination problemsRecent testimonial :

“Loved the product and used it for my Dad who had cancer and it was a God send while he was confined to the bed till we had to actually put a catheter in when he had no control!!!  I kept one in the car when he was still a bit mobile so he could just go when he needed to !  You are an angel and thank you so much for this product!”

If you or your loved one need a alternative to a male urinal or to try to avoid invasive catheters, give the MUDS  a try!

Compare to the URSEC Spill Proof Male Urinal

Male urination problemsMale urinals are not all created equally.  Not in function or price.  Compared to the URSEC Spill Proof Male Urinal Bottle, the Male Urinary Drainage System. or MUDS, is much more versatile for any male and the cost is much less.

The URSEC Spill Proof Male Urinal Bottle (a funnel in a urinal) sales for $42.95 and the MUDS is under $30.00.

If you are looking for an alternative to the old, standard, male urinal, try a MUDS.

Solution for difficulty using a male urinal

Male urination problemsMale urination problemsare difficult, at best, to use.  Frequently male anatomy changes with age.  The penis sometimes envelops into pubic fat, reducing length and making it hard to point the penis into a urinal.  Frequent misses are common and spilling after use is easy to do.  Then, the urinal has urine in it and you need to use it again.  Of course, there is no one to empty it for you or they are not timely enough and you attempt to use it again with urine already in it.  Now a difficulty task becomes even harder, resulting in spills.

The Male Urinary Drainage System is designed to prevent these common problems with a urinal.  It is designed to seat against the pubic area solving many of the problems associated with a urinal.  The urine drains immediately into a storage container which can hold up to 2500ml before requiring emptying, eliminating the need for someone to empty the urinal at each urination episode.

Try a MUDS as a great alternative for a Male urination problems

Try this male urinal if you have difficulty using a standard urinal

Male urination problemsThe Male Urinary Drainage System or MUDS was specifically designed as an alternative to the old Male urination problemsto promote hygiene, self esteem and ease care giver strain.

The urine drains into a container that will hold 2500ml and has accurate markings on the container for measurement if needed.  A lot of men have difficulty using a standard urinal.  One of the major causes is spilling urine when placing on a surface until emptied, or trying to use the urinal with urine already in it because there was no one to empty it timely enough.

The MUDS solves this problem by promoting immediate drainage of urine into the container.  It can be used multiple times before it needs to be emptied, and if needed, promote accurate measurement of urine.

You can learn more about MUDS at mudsllc.com

Help for putting on a condom catheter

Male urination problemsWhen placing a condom catheter, You need to clean the area really well with soap and water and then you dry, and wait for it to dry some more.  Liquid adhesives are sometimes helpful, but can you imaging having adhesive placed there?  Then you are finally ready to place the condom catheter.  You roll it on only to find out that it is too large or too small, and you don’t have the appropriate size.  If you have the right size, you generally get pubic hair under the condom catheter and that must be mighty uncomfortable.  You finally get it placed, and how long does it stay on?

Seriously, condom catheters are not comfortable, but sometimes they are the only alternative for an incontinent male.  If you must place a condom catheter, make sure that it is an appropriate fit – not too snug and not too loose.  If the male has not been circumcised, do not pull the foreskin back.  Leave it in its’ natural position and place the condom catheter over the foreskin, otherwise long term retraction of the foreskin will cause swelling and could even require medical attention to treat.  As I always say, always put the turtle back in its’ shell before applying the condom catheter.

If you know a continent male who is using a condom catheter just because they can’t use a urinal without spilling, suggest that they try a Male Urinary Drainage System.  It is designed specifically for males who have difficulty using a urinal

Try this male urinal alternative

Male urination problemsMale urination alternatives are many.  From invasive foley catheters to the common urinal.

The urinal has had a few improvements over the years, but the newest is the Male Urinary Drainage System or MUDS.  It is for continent men or males who can urinate on command.  It is used at each urination episode just like the outdated common urinal, but it has many features that facilitates use even for men with difficulty using the common urinal.

It was designed due to the inability to utilize a common urinal and no suitable alternative was to be found.

If your loved one has difficulty using a urinal, give MUDS a try

No more emptying that male urinal between each urination episode

Male urination problemsMale urinals are difficult, at best, to use.  Frequently male anatomy changes with age.  The penis sometimes envelops into pubic fat, reducing length and making it hard to point the penis into a urinal.  Frequent misses are common and spilling after use is easy to do.  Then, the urinal has urine in it and you need to use it again.  Of course, there is no one to empty it for you or they are not timely enough and you attempt to use it again with urine already in it.  Now a difficult task becomes even harder, resulting in spills.

The Male Urinary Drainage System is designed to prevent these common problems with a urinal.  It is designed to seat against the pubic area solving many of the problems associated with a urinal.  The urine drains immediately into a storage container which can hold up to 2500ml before requiring emptying, eliminating the need for someone to empty the urinal at each urination episode.

For more information visit our website at mudsllc.com

What are the reasons to avoid inserting a foley catheter in a continent male?

One of the many reasons to avoid inserting a foley catheter in a continent male is the risk of trauma.  Insertion of a foley catheter is painful and has the associated risk of causing injury to the urethra or prostate.

There is a high probability of bleeding when the catheter is traumatically removed with the bulb intact.  For example:  If the patient is getting out of bed, ambulating, or misjudges the length of the tubing when hurriedly getting out of bed to go to the bathroom for a bowel movement the catheter could accidentally be tugged and traumatically pulled out.

When injury occurs, treatment may include:  reinsertion of the foley, bladder irrigation, blood transfusion, or a increased hospital stay with increased acuity of care.  Traumatic injuries related to urethral catheters  can lead to shock and potential long term consequences as a result of the injury.

Try other alternatives to a catheter in continent males before inserting a foley catheter.

Try a MUDS.muds

Frontline alternative before inserting a foley catheter in a continent male

mudsFinally, all of the desired features of a catheter without the catheter associated risk of infection or injury.  Every body’s goal is to avoid catheter associated urinary tract infections orMale urination problems

Introducing a non-invasive alternative to a catheter for a continent male.

The MUDS objective is to provide a male urinary system for a continent male to use in virtually any position regardless of restrictive appliances or physical deficits without significant leakage or spilling during or after use.

Front-line alternative before inserting a Foley catheter in a continent male exclusively available from MUDS LLC.

A new kind of male urinal is here

The MUDS is designed to be used by any male that is continent, promoting a spill proof alternative to the male urinal.

Male Male urination problems Male urination problemsare frequently used and then set on the overbed table at the bedside.  This same table is where the patients water pitcher, food tray, sometimes their dentures, and other edible goodies are placed.  Right beside the urinal with urine in it.

The MUDS is designed to provide a spill proof alternative  that eliminates the need to set a container with a bodily fluid in it on a surface intended for eating and drinking items.

The MUDS device itself does not store urine and can be securely hung from a bedrail, chair rail, or other surface in order to keep the urine off of surfaces that are utilized to set food or drink on.

Learn more at mudsllc.com

Urinal alternative that promotes self esteem and infection control

Male urination problemsBENEFITS:

Increased independence for geriatric, bed/chair bound males

Promote Self  Esteem

Safety intervention

Male urination problemsintervention

Assist in compliance with OSHA/JCAHO regulations

Promotes cost effective use of nursing, housekeeping, laundry services, and supplies

Assists in decreasing the incidence of workman’s compensation claims

You can receive more information about the MUDS at mudsllc.com

Female urinal alternative for camping

We went Male urination problems and I was 6 months pregnant. My mother and I each had a Male urinary drainage system Male urination problemsin our tents and were able to urinate into the device without difficulty. We had the privacy of our tents, and the convenience of not having to walk or drive almost 1 mile to the nearest restrooms. We took the containers to the restroom facilities every morning and emptied them. It was great.”

Michele D

Visit our website at mudsllc.com for more information on this female urinal alternative.

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Male urinal alternative for men with difficulty seeing

Male urination problemsThe orientation ridges assist males with decreased vision. It can be used in virtually any position and requires the use of only one hand. The orientation ridge facilitates use by males who cannot see their groin area whether related to visual deficits or obesity.

Visit us at mudsllc.com to learn more about this male urinal alternative.

Forget that spilled urinal

Male urination problemsThe MUDS is designed to be used intermittently at each urination episode just like the traditional urinal.  The difference is that the MUDS unit seats against the pubic area and drains directly into the container that can hold up to 2500ml.  No more Male urination problems.  No more nasty urinals sitting on your bedside table.  No more spilling due to attempting to use with urine already in it.  No more spilling on your floor or bed.

The actual receptacle for urinating into is very small in comparison to a urinal. It is a chamber within a chamber providing a backflow deterrent. The device is designed to seat against the pubic area, rather than just holding it in front of the pubic area to urinate.

The receiving unit is attached to flexible tubing and drains into a container that can be hung on the bed frame, wheelchair, chair, or can be set in the floor without spilling. The clear container (12″x8″x3″) holds up to 2500ml and has markings for measurement.

A holder is included which is designed to attach to the rail of the bed or the edge of a bedside table and includes a lid for covering the device when not in use. The holder provides a sanitary place to secure the MUDS device when not in use, keeping it off of bedside tables, where food and drink are kept.

Try a MUDS for your spill proof urinal alternative

Solution to CAUTI for continent males

Over 40% of all nosocomial infections are caused by Catheter Associated Urinary Tract Infections Male urination problems


$       Antibiotic therapy, IV or PO, depending on severity of infection

$       Nursing and pharmacy time to prepare, administer, and evaluate effectiveness

$       Additional lab studies;  UA and UC, peaks and troughs with some antibiotics

$       Treatment of pain

$       Recovery may be further complicated by age

$       Could lead to sepsis

$       Common adverse effects of UTI’s are frequency and urgency which may lead to further injury such as falls

$       Any increase in patient treatment requires increased assess by physicians and nurse which includes additional documentation of the assessment

$       Increased hospital stay or outpatient treatment and follow-up


Try a MUDS as your solution to CAUTI in continent males who have difficulty using a urinal.

[i] 1.  Guideline for Prevention of Catheter-associated Urinary Tract Infections Feb. 1981. http//www.cdc.gov/ncidod/dhqp/gl_catheter_assoc.html

Urgent solution for male urination

Male urination problems MUDS GUY

All right, tell the truth.  How many of you have skipped taking your “water pill” because you were going to be riding in the car for even a short distance and you didn’t want to have to worry about finding a place to urinate.

A Male urinal spills easily and is sometimes difficult to use which makes men inclined to either skip their pill, or stay at home.

I have only taken a “water pill” once.  I now know how urgently you have to get to the bathroom to urinate.  And talk about frequency.  We were just trying to play a game of cards and every time we finished a hand, I was hurrying to the bathroom, and sometimes couldn’t even wait until the hand was over.  It was very frustrating.  I do occasionally have urgency even though I do not routinely take “water pills”.  It is very distressing and anxiety producing.

If you have trouble using a urinal, and need an alternative suitable for travel, try a MUDS

Try this alternative to a male urinal

mudsPersons who have a loved one that they care for continuously often experience what is called caregiver strain.  At times we can all become overwhelmed care that is sometimes required.  For males, some of the sources of strain are frequently cleaning up spilled urine, changing linens and clothes related to spilling of urine, and dealing with the resulting odors.

Caregiver strain can effect our ability to safely and appropriately care for our loved ones.  Any measure that can relieve any of that strain is helfpul.

If you are the caregiver of a continent male who has difficulty using a urinal or has been placed in diapers because he can’t use other male urinary devices without spilling, give the MUDS a try.

What is the difference in frequency and urgency?

Excessive urination, frequency, and urgency, are descriptive symptoms of a dysfunction in our urinary habits.

The term Excessive urination refers to urinating an abnormally large amount of urine over a given period of time.    The average amount of daily urine for an adult is 1.5 liters or just over 1 and 1/2 quarts.  Excessive urination is considered over 2.5 liters per day or just over 2 and 1/2 quarts.

Frequent urination refers to how often your body requires you to empty your bladder.   On average we empty our bladders about ever 5 hours give or take an hour.

   Urgency is when you have the overwhelming urge to urinate regardless of whether or not your bladder needs to be emptied.  It is overwhelming and often anxiety producing due to the sudden onset of the urge to urinate.

If you have any of these symptoms, there is usually an underlying cause that can be treated.  See your physician and discuss your symptoms.

The MUDS can benefit males who need a alternative to a urinal.  Visit us at mudsllc.com for more information.

Emptying and Cleaning the MUDS

Routine cleaning of the MUDS will prevent bacteria and mold growth and extend the usage of the unit.

Emptying the MUDS:  Unscrew the tubing from the drainage container and place the cap on the container.  Measure the urine using the markings on the side.   Remove the cap and pour the urine into the toilet carefully to avoid splashing.  Reconnect the drainage container to the tubing at the bed or chair side and place the container in the desired location.

The container will hold at least 2500ml in the upright position.  It is recommended that at least once every 24 hours the unit be rinsed out with water or a 50/50 vinegar solution to prevent crystals from building up in the tubing or unit and for odor control.  The container should be emptied at least every 12 hours and as needed.  Do not let the urine fill above the 3000 ml mark or it will inhibit the urine drainage into the container and make emptying the container difficult.

Any portable urine device requires routine cleaning to preserve sanitation and maintain the expected life of the unit.

Take control with this great alternative to a male urinal

Male urination problemsHow does the Male Urinary Drainage System, or MUDS,  prevent spills?

The MUDS has multiple spill preventative features.  One, is that the urine doesn’t stay in the urine receiving unit, it drains into a container which holds up to 2500ml of urine.  The large corrugated tubing prevents kinks and allows the urine to drain almost immediately into the container.  You can’t spill urine that is not stored in the receptacle that receives the urine.

If you are looking for a spill proof male urinal, try a MUDS!  You are in control!

Finally, a alternative to a bedside urinal for continent men

Male urination problemsLet’s see……A bedside urinal for men?  They are simple to use if you don’t have tremors, have use of BOTH hands, don’t mind them sitting on your bedside table (that you put your drink on), have great vision, don’t have any gut, and/or don’t mind if it spills and soaks into your bed or carpet stinking up your house.

A MUDS or Male Urinary Drainage System on the other hand, is easy to use even if you have handicaps or defecits that make using a standard urinal less than optimal if not impossible.   It has a great spill deterrent (nothing is spill proof if you try hard enough), and is designed so that it doesn’t matter if you can see what you are doing or not.

The MUDS promotes increased independence for males who have traditionally had difficulty with a urinal.  It is a safety intervention when used appropriately to reduce the risk of falls related to nighttime frequency or urgency, shortness of breath, difficulty walking, weakness, or inability to walk alone.

Great spill proof urinal for males with poor vision

Male urination problemsWhat makes the MUDS or Male Urinary Drainage System the perfect urinal for a male with limited vision?

Decreased or Male urination problems makes it difficult to use a urinal.  Placement of the urinal can be managed, but,  the problem occurs with the attempt to place the urinal, with urine in it, onto a surface after use.  It causes frequent spills.

The Male Urinary Drainage System, or MUDS, has two features that solves this problem.  One, the urine doesn’t stay in the urinating device, it drains into a container which will hold 2500ml.  This solves the spilling problem when attempting to place the urinal on a surface after use.  Two, the MUDS device has orientation ridges which allow the user to place the device appropriately.

This is one of the many features that makes the MUDS truly a spill proof urinal for males with visual defecits.

Try this alternative to a male urinal

Male urination problemsA Non-invasive Alternative to a Urinal or Catheter for the Continent Male.

Introducing a product that can improve the quality of life for a male confined to a bed, chair, car, or any location that prevents access to a toilet or restroom for urinary relief.      A great alternative to a male urinal, MUDS is ideal for males having difficulty using a standard urinal.

The “MUDS” product is cost effective, durable, non-invasive, and easy to use.

Visit mudsllc.com for more information.

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Sheath urinal alternative for a continent male

Male urination problemsA sheath urinal is designed to be worn continuously and has its place for incontinent males.  However they are uncomfortable, the tubing frequently kinks limiting drainage into the drainage bag , and they require that the male have enough length to apply it.   They have their place for incontinent males to help decrease the need for other incontinent supplies such as diapers.

A MUDS is designed to be used intermittently at each urination episode, it does not support being worn continuously and requires continence (knowing when you need to urinate) or at least the ability to be bladder trained to urinate on command to avoid accidents.

Visit us at mudsllc.com for more information on the MUDS.

Try this male portable urinary device

Male urination problemsA male urinal is not user or caregiver friendly.  It requires the male to be continent as does the MUDS.  However, that is where the difference ends.

A urinal is easily spilled, holds only 1000ml full (if you can fill it without spilling it), is placed on the floor or eating surface after use (yuck), is difficult to maintain accurate measurement of output, is difficult to impossible to use for some men, requires frequent linen changes and clean up if spilled, and increase the risk of falls from slipping in spilled urine.

The MUDS eliminates or reduces spills, holds 2500ml (enough for all day for most men), can be hung on a bed rail or chair with versatile holder, aids in the measurement of accurate output, easy to use unaided in virtually any position, decreases need for linen changes, and decreases the risk of falls.

The MUDS is a great alternative to any other portable urinary device

What can the MUDS do for you?

The objectives of the Male Urinary Drainage System are:

1) To provide a male urinary system for a continent male to use in any position regardless of restrictive appliances or physical deficits without significant male urinary leakage or spilling during or after use.

2) To provide a cost effective alternative to a Foley catheter or a urinal that will promote the users medical treatment plan, provide more efficient time management for medical staff and home care givers, and promote self esteem.

The Male Urinary Drainage system will allow a continent male to urinate lying flat on their back, sitting, lying on their side, or standing without significant back-flow during or after use.  It is configured for maneuvering the actual collection system into tight spaces created by  casts, braces, etc..  It is easily used by persons with neurological deficits such as Parkinson’s or motor control deficits such as tremors.

Learn more at mudsllc.comMale urination problems

Great male urinal for after surgery

Male urination problemsMy friends’ Dad had surgery on both of his knees.  He was unable to get out of bed by himself because everyone was afraid he would fall.  Frequently, it was just too much trouble, and time consuming, to get him out of bed just to urinate.  He received therapy with a machine that bent his knees and then straightened them kind of like riding a bicycle.  The therapy would last for several hours.  After a few attempts at using a male urinal, with the only success being that the urine spilled back onto him, the nursing staff placed him in diapers.

He was so embarrassed and frustrated.  One of the last shreds of dignity for an aging man, and even that was taken away from him.  He participated poorly in all of his care and lost the will to get better.  My friend asked if I could help.  Her Dad successfully used a Male Urinary Drainage System and was out of diapers for the remainder of his stay in rehab.  He began participating in the recovery process and she stated that his whole attitude was much improved.

Try a MUDS for your spill proof urinal needs.  You are in control!

Learn more at mudsllc.com

Male urinal for wheelchair bound males

Male urination problemsBeing wheelchair bound doesn’t mean that you are incontinent.  It may mean, simply, that you are unable to stand for any significant period of time in order to urinate into the toilet.

For wheelchair bound males, it is great to carry on wheelchair and can be used without the container as a means of urinating directly into the toilet from the wheelchair.

To do this, simply disconnect the container from the tubing. Place the tubing and the device into a bag and hang on the whelchair. When urinating into the MUDS, direct the tubing just over the toilet, place the device over the penis and allow the urine to drain directly into the toilet instead of into the container.

With a MUDS you have increased independence in public or at home for your male urination needs.

Visit us at mudsllc.com

Help has arrived for the male urinal user

Male urination problemshave not been very friendly to their users in the past.  O.K., they are cheap and as long as you don’t have a handicap or disability they work moderately well for most healthy males.

But what about those of you who have difficulty using a urinal.  Maybe your hands shake and you spill the urine out of the urinal just trying to set it down.  Or what about when you need to use it again and there is already urine in it?  Not an easy task for someone with decreased dexterity or shaking hands.

A spill proof urinal generally doesn’t mean that you literally cannot spill the urine, just that if used appropriately, it is a deterrent to spilling urine.

Help has arrived.  Try the Male Urinary Drainage System, or MUDS.  It is a conduit which directs the urine into a container that cannot be spilled.  Check it out!!

Find out more at mudsllc.com.

How to prevent a spilled male urinal

How does the MUDS prevent spills?

The MUDS has multiple spill preventative features.  One, is that the urine doesn’t stay in the urine receiving unit, it drains into a container which holds up to 2500ml of urine.  The large corrugated tubing prevents kinks and allows the urine to drain almost immediately into the container.  You can’t spill urine that is not stored in the receptacle that receives the urine.

If you are looking for a spill proof urinal, try a MUDS!  You are in control!Male urination problems

How much is your male dignity worth?

Male urination problemsComment from a male urinal user in reference to the Male Urinary Drainage System:

I’m a “victim” of the common urinal used in hospitals…I was flat on my back after surgery and spilled every where.  I asked them “what would the president use?”  “one of these, or a catheter”, was the response.

I would’ve gladly paid $40 for your solution to not suffer the indignity.  I’m an engineer and thought to invent a solution as well; didn’t know about yours at the time.  Even got one moving.  However, my investigation into the matter showed that the hospital put more like a $0.40 price tag on my dignity!  I’m sure you already knew that…

Try a MUDS for your Male urination problems

Alternative to a spilled male urinal

Male urination problemsThe Male Urinary Drainage System or MUDS is designed for handicapped males or males who have difficulty using a urinal, or just need an alternative to a male urinal.

However, Pilots, Truck drivers, Hunters, and Campers are  also candidates for a MUDS.  The days of urinating behind a bush are about gone, unless you are way-way out in the boonies and sure that no one can see you.  I’m sure that an indecent exposure ticket is not on anyones agenda.  With a MUDS you can urinate in the privacy of your vehicle, in a private plane, or in a tent.  It could be used in a Male urination problems.  The urine is contained in a sealed container for transport to an appropriate place to dispose of the urine (of course not in the vicinity of your Male urination problems).

Try a MUDS to meet your needs for a Male urination problems

Alternative to a diaper for a continent male

mudsThere are many reasons that caregivers might place a continent male in a diaper.  Usually, it is because they can not use a male urinal without spilling it.

When we put a diaper on a man or boy, it can lead to depression, decreased self esteem, and decreased participation in their care and activities of daily living, just to name a few.  It is embarrassing and humiliating whether young or old and in older men progressively leads to lack of interest in their hygiene and appearance.

A diaper should be used only for men who are incontinent (unable to control their urine flow), not for convenience or hygiene.  Diapers cause diaper rashes, and can lead to ulcers or sores as a result of the constant moisture exposed to the skin.  They require that a caregiver thoroughly clean the entire area covered by the diaper in order to remove any urine from the skin to prevent rashes, sores, and odors.  This is very time consuming and labor intensive.

If you are at the end of your rope and need an alternative to a urinal, try a MUDS or Male Urinary Drainage System before you place your loved one in a diaper.  It is a spill proof urinal that has been designed for men with handicaps or difficulty using a urinal.

My home made male urinary drainage system

Male urination problemsThe Doctor anticipated 8-10 weeks in the body cast.  I began to utilize tubing, bottles, and other strange supplies in an attempt to develop a system that would work.  I finally came up with a solution for a spill proof  male urinal alternative.  My very crude, homemade urinary drainage system worked.

We had a few small leaks due to my inability to make a sealed system, but after the first time I showed my son how to use the device, he was able to urinate by himself.  Without Mom, Dad, or Nana disposing of his diaper.  Although he was still cranky and difficult, it was not compounded by his embarrassment over the bodily function of urinating.

My son successfully used my urinary system for the next 16-18 weeks.  At home he was able to urinate in the middle of the night or day without depending on anyone to help him.  We took him to the Doctors office in his reclining wheelchair.  He could push himself into the bathroom, take his device out of the bag, and urinate directly into the toilet.


If you are interested in learning more about my invention, please visit the MUDS website at mudsllc.com

Try this male urinal alternative

My son was placed in a full length leg cast the third day in the hospital.  He continued to experience excruciating pain which prevented changes in position.

Day 4 or 5 my son was placed in a half body cast with a bar keeping his legs separated and aligned in a fixed position called a spica bar.  He continued to have pain, but did tolerate minor position changes.

The spica bar compounded the problem of using a urinal.  I spoke with all of the nursing staff and the Occupational Therapist concerning our problem.  We searched medical catalogs and I went to every pharmacy in a 30 mile radius without any success in finding any male urinary devices that would meet my sons needs.  THIS JUST WOULD NOT DO!

And that was the start of the MUDS.  Visit our website if your loved one needs a great alternative to a male urinal at mudsllc.comMale urination problems

The Mother of invention

My son in his castAs they say, necessity is the Mother of all Invention.   My son broke the long bone in his leg in 2 places when he was 11 years old.  He was hospitalized for 8 days.

The first 2 days he spent in traction lying flat of his back.  Even minor position changes caused excruciating pain.  The first time we attempted to use a bedside urinal was a catastrophe.   The urinal could not be positioned at the appropriate angle and not pour urine back out onto the bed.  Turning to his side or sitting up was out of the question.  The only solution the nursing staff had was a condom catheter or letting him urinate into a diaper and then dispose of it.

His dignity and pride were shattered.  Between the pain, and his inability to perform his own toileting needs without assistance, he was angry and difficult.  This why I needed to invent the Male Urinary Drainage System.